Things Only Ravenclaw's Understand

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1. Getting tired from climbing all those stairs up to the dormitories. Ugh.... Who put all these stairs here?!?!?

2. Whenever Madame Pince has to drag you out of the library at closing time and you've only just started next month's homework. "But I'm not done yet!"

3. Trying to sleep in but you're forced to wake up with the sun because of all the windows. These damn windows! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!

4. When you want to use Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem to help you on exams but you can't because it's, you know, lost.

5. Being forever overshadowed by Gryffindor in the House Cup, despite earning Ravenclaw so many points in class.

6. Reminding people the Ravenclaw mascot is an eagle, not a raven. GET IT RIGHT! It's An EAGLE!!

7. Having to choose: blue and bronze, or blue and silver? I CANT CHOOSE!!

8. When you want to borrow a book from the library and you realize someone else has taken it out. Are you fricking serious!! I wanted that book! *cries in the corner* (jkjk)

9. When your shoulders hurt — not from Quidditch practice, but from lugging all your books around. So much fricking books to carry! Help me!

10. Every time the professor tells you to put your hand down and "let someone else answer." JUST LET ME ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION! 

11. All the time people look at you weird when you mention random bits of trivia.

12. Whenever people just write you off as "the quirky girl" or "the pompous git." DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY SENSE OF FASHION!

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