The Choice

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Stood in front of me, in this dark void, was Charlotte. She wore a green jumper with a single yellow stripe, a pair of brown shorts and a pair of black shoes. She had light brown hair cut into a bob and red rosy cheeks. Her eyes were blood red. She had a smile spread across her lips. "Greetings." She said. Her voice was soft. "I am Chara." She said. "Yeah, I knew that." I said. She smiled at me. "Thank you. Your power awakened me from death." She said. I was confused. My power? "My 'human soul'..." she continued, "My 'determination'... They were not mine, but YOURS." She explained. I knew that though. "At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life?" She questioned. She must have meant hers and Sophie's plan to collect the human souls from the surface. She answered her questions. "You. With your guidance, I realized the purpose of my reincarnation. Power." She said. My heart beat a little faster. "Together, we eradicated the enemy and became strong." She meant the monsters. But, I thought they were her family? Didn't she care for them? "HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV. Every time a number increases, that feeling... That's me. 'Chara.' Now. Now we have reached the absolute. There is nothing left for us here. Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next." She said. Two options appeared in front of me.

Erase. Do Not.

Which should I pick? Do I get rid of this world that had already lost all of its inhabitants, making it pointless for it to keep existing? Or do I stay in this world? In this world where I am alone with no one to talk to? Where I killed everyone for the sake of power?

Erase the world

I pressed Erase. She smiled and hummed. "Right. You are a great partner. We'll be together forever, won't we?" She said. And with that, she destroyed the world... by attacking me. She killed me on the spot. The world was destroyed and so was I.

Do not erase the world

I pressed Do Not. She frowned. "No...? Hmmm... How curious." She said to herself. "You must have misunderstood." She said. Her eyes became wide, dark voids. "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?" She screamed. Black liquid ran from her eyes, making her face appear to be melting. It was horrific. Then, she attacked me. She killed me on the spot. The world was then destroyed. And I was dead.
Or so I thought. I woke up, staring into a dark void. I sat there for what felt like years. I then heard her voice. "Interesting." She said, her voice soft. "You want to go back. You want to go back to the world you destroyed." She said to me. "Yes." I croaked out, still reeling from the fact that she killed me. "It was you who pushed everything to its edge. It was you who led the world to its destruction. But you cannot accept it. You think you are above consequences?" She asks. "Well, yeah. I mean, this is just a game." I said. "Exactly." She said. "You believe to be above us then?" She questioned. "I mean, No. I'm not above consequences." I said, panicking, fearing that I had said something wrong. "Then what are you looking for?" She asked. She's right. What am I looking for? The world was destroyed. Why am I here? It was quiet for a while. Then, she broke the silence. "Perhaps. We can reach a compromise." She offered. "You still have something I want. Give it to me. And I will bring this world back." She said. I thought about it. What do I have that she would want? I pressed Yes, unsure of what she wanted. "Then it is agreed. You will give me your SOUL." She said. I was taken aback. She SOUL?! But, I needed my soul. "No." I said. She chuckled. "Then stay here for all eternity." She said. I panicked. "Wait!! I mean, yes. You can have my soul." I said, agreeing to her condition. "Then, it is done." She said. She appeared behind me. I turned around, my soul in my hands. I dropped it into her outstretched hands. She smiled. After a few minutes, she returned me to the world. It was like it never happened. Like it was a bad dream. I ran through the Ruins, ignoring Flowey and Toriel. I ran to Snowdin and found Sans. I dropped to my knees in front of him and hugged him. I was crying when I found him. "Heya kiddo. You okay? What's with all the waterworks?" He asked. "I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry, Sans. I-I broke our p-promise! I-I'm so s-sorry." I sobbed. He sighed. "Did you learn your lesson?" He said. "Uh h-h-huh." I sobbed again. "How many times?" He asked. "Once. You dunked me so many times though. I thought I could atone for my crimes. But, I still managed to..." I stopped before I broke down even further. He sighed a very deep sigh and stroked the back of my head. "It's okay, kiddo. It's over now. You're safe. Just don't ever do it again." He said. "I... I promise Sans. I promise on my own soul, that I will never EVER reset again." I promised him. "And... if you break that promise... I'll dunk you over and over again." He growled to me. I winced and gripped the back of his hoodie. After that, I did another Pacifist route, making up for what I had done. I stayed in this timeline, only ever moving forwards. I will never reset again. I don't think I can anyways. I don't have a soul anymore.

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