my story

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This is my story aka da best that won a grammy award

One day there was a duck named toe and he had just moved into a new neighborhood and he moved because thought that santa was stalking him at his old house. something that u probably did not know is that toe had a friend that was a chicken nugget and he had a crush on this guy aka her brother and they hung out again but this guy had a crush on that persons other sister so ya and then one day they were on a trip when all of while this wizard named turkle summoned in evil bob da builders and they had this creepy smile on their face. Then they went home and this boy and his crush started dating and everyone was like RELATIONSHIP GOALLLLSSSS. THAT WENT REALLY GOOD until they started to move to paris and they started to see this creepy man holding a potato and he said in a creepy voice "come with me i make all ur problems disappear" so yah and u probably like already know like what happened so like i don't need to explain it. Then a rapper came by and started to rap eminem's songs and they had so much fun then at the end of da day they went home ate ice cream and declared that most likely they would have their life written into a story so they bet 100000 dollars that they would then they walked to the graveyard and met up with turk and fred then the boy dumped her girlfriend and started dating turk and then fred ate a potato with a scooter and a tomato and slenderman said his main life goal was to always not be a tomato but be a potato. So yah the end and one day santa will come to ur house and u already know what's gonna happen....................................................obviously ur gonna get presents duhhh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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