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The never ending torture of his punches raining down on my bruised body seemed to never halter.

I was used to it by now, but it didn't make it any easier knowing it always seemed to be my fault.

Honestly, I was confused as to what I did this time. But it had to be something.

"Please, stop" I managed to wheeze out before spluttering, when I felt his hard capped boots venture it's way into my abdomen.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Remember the time you and your gramps went on the fishing trip and you fell over the side? Gramps had to pull you out after he had finished laughing.

Or what about that time you and Sam went to Walmart and you found yourself in the cart with Sam pushing you racing around inside until you got kicked out?

Think Ella.

It helped thinking of memories. The memories that got me through my 20 years of living.

Soon numbness took over my senses replacing the searing pain shooting through each of my limbs.

"Are you done being such a bitch?" He painted, as if pounding me was his workout.

"Yes.. I'm sorry" I whispered, my eyes were watering. Not from being upset, but from the sheer amount of pain that was making its way through my body.

I was tired of all of this.


Walking through the corridors knowing I had bruises covering every inch of my body was a lot of work. I can't count the number of bottles of foundations and concealers I've gone through in just the past month or two.

Thankfully, I could afford it due to Harry's job giving him a huge cheque at the end of each month. However, he doesn't seem to understand that he wouldn't have to spend at least half of that on makeup if he didn't do it in the first place.

Walking with my eyes trained onto the path following the cracks I don't notice the wall in front of me, or more like figure.

Running head first into someone is always embarrassing, but it's made 100x worse when that person is capable of making your life hell.

"Oh god." I mutter looking into the devils eyes,

"What the f*ck!" Arabella screeches stopping in her tracks, making her entire possy of boys and girls stop in their tracks. Amusement was plastered over each and everyone of their faces and possibly if you looked close enough a few pitiful glances in some. 

"Look I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking where I was going,"

"That's the problem, Ella. You never do," she sneers becoming increasingly agitated. Staying calm really wasn't her fortay.

"I apologise, but get over yourself. I walked into you it's not like I ruined your new Gucci dress!" Exasperated I throw my hands up in the air.

Instead of waiting for a reply I carry on walking past her; not wanting to catch eyes with anyone. It was already awkward as it was, but making eye contact with someone who would most likely shoot me daggers didn't make me feel to good.

Just before being out of ear shot of Arabella a hand shoots out of nowhere grabbing my wrist. If it wasn't for the bruises scattered up my arm I would of probably turned around and punched the person. But, all I could feel at this point was a hot pain that felt as if someone had pressed a red hot knife along my skin.

I quickly hiss pulling my arm out of reach and shoot a glare at the person responsible.

Well, I would have if it wasn't for the piercing grey eyes searching my own. I felt like this human clearly created by god was looking into my entire soul just from his intense stare going on.

"What?" I hiss, he'd already gotten on my nerves and his godly looks weren't going to change it. I'm not the type of girl to fall head over heels for a guy, forgetting the actual point and just becoming a star eyed lover. Never mind that, I also had a boyfriend that no matter what I stayed loyal.

"I was only going to say, it took guts to say what you did to anab*tch. It was pretty entertaining" I stifle a laugh at his nickname, what sort of a name is that?

"I didn't do it for a laugh, so if you don't mind I'm on my way to find myself a nice, warm cup of coffee, if you'd be so kind to let me by,"

"What a coincidence! I was just about to do the same. It would be my pleasure to take you along?" A smirk making its way onto his face,

"A free cup of coffee does seem pretty good. Shame the company isn't,"

"30 minutes of being in my company and then you can leave, never having to speak to me again..."

I huff a fine before following him out of campus down the streets of the town.

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