Ch 5: Route 666

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"Don't you guys ever do anything fun?" I groaned, sprawled out on the couch, halfway hanging on the floor. "All you do is sleep, barely, then go to work, then eat."

"What do you have in mind?" Sam asked, flipping through a magazine that was already in motel room.

"Anything," I said, flipping over and sitting criss-cross on the floor, looking up at him with big eyes. "There's a carnival going on just outside of town."

"Dean has the car."

"We can call a cab," I grinned.

He put down the magazine. "You really want to get out of here, huh?"

"Yeeesssssssss," I replied, laying back on the floor and staring at the ceiling. "We need to get out of here, I'm so bored."

"Okay, we'll call a cab," He said, standing up and using the motels phone.

I changed out of my pajamas, putting on a Jack Daniels t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and my boots. I topped off with a hat, no makeup, and watched as Sam slipped into his shoes. "Converse?" I laughed, never seeing him in anything but his bulky brown boots.

"If we're not going hunting, I'm not wearing those," He laughed, holding the door for me as we walked out. "There's the cab."

We hopped in the back and I told him where to go, the we paid with someone else's money, of course. They were masters at identity fraud, just like my father was. We bought tickets for rides and games, too. The first thing we did was go on the Ferris Wheel. It was slow ad long, which was nice, because it let me enjoy it longer. I leaned over the side and looked out. Sam turned his head and watched me smile in delight. "You really like this, don't you?"

"I, um.." I sat back down, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I never could do stuff like this as a kid."

"Yeah," He laughed, nodding, "Me either. I was always at home in our apartment when my dad went out on jobs. Dean had to watch me."

"At least you had him to watch you," I replied, looking away and biting my lip. I added almost silently, "I was all alone.." Then I cleared my throat, "My foster parents never kept me around long enough to do anything fun."

"When did he die?" Sam asked bluntly, then realized how rude that was. "Oh, I mean, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's fine." I said, shaking my head. "He died when I was ten." I paused, then shrugged, "Damn Vampires." Sam nodded and I continued. "He talked about your dad in his journal, a lot."

"Really?" He asked, half smiling.

I grinned, "Yeah, my dad found him and got in on what he was doing right after my mom burned up. They were a lot alike. The only difference is that your dad is obviously a better hunter than mine."

"Oh," Sam said, unsure how to reply. "I'm sure your dad just got the short end of the stick. Vampires suck." I laughed, ad then he realized what he said. He laughed, too. "No pun intended."

When we got off, we bought cotton candy and Sam played darts. He one a big stuffed elephant and handed it to me. I shook my head, "No, you won that, it's yours!"

"Take it," He smiled, "Seriously. Who knows when we'll actually just get a night to enjoy ourselves again."

I smiled and took it, hugging it to my chest. "Ready to go back?"

"We probably should," He nodded, looking around.

"If you stick around for a few more minutes there's gonna be fireworks," The guy working the dart booth told us.

We found a spot against a fence by the parking lot and sat down. Soon enough, colors burst in the sky. I stared up in awe, not remembering the last time I had seen fireworks. I was somewhere around five, in my second halfway home, and my social worker took me out for Fourth of July.

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