Chapter 1

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🌌My grammar isn't the best so if it's bothering you, then don't read my FF's, thank you.🌌

Finally I'm writing this FF,I had this one in my mind since months but I wasn't sure if I should really write it but here it is :') So this is a Yaoi ff about Seven & Yoosung //it already said in the describtion but whatever// and it's a Highschool AU.
A friend of mine helped me with some ideas too ahah
I hope you enjoy this FF so have fun!

The alarm was ringing at 6:30 am, like everyday for Yoosung and Rika. The cousins were young 16 years old Students and lived together in their own house. Yoosung's parents are working for the government as Teachers and are actually pretty rich that's why Yoosung has a own house already and Rika lives with him in the house.

Yoosung yawned softly as his alarm was ringing, sitting himself up on his bed and ruffled his messy yellow hair. He actually has brown hair bit dyed it in blonde since he thought it would fit him more than brown. He ended the alarm with a touch on his phone and got up, making his way to his bathroom to wash himself. Actually, Rika would wake him up everyday since he oversleeps a lot but today was the first day of school after the summer vocations, he was really depressed the last night and wasn't sleeping the whole night as well because of school.

Yoosung brushed his teeth, made his hair by brushing it and putting two hairclips on the front of his hair and changed into his school Uniform right after. The Uniform was black and had the sign of the school on the right side of his chest from the Uniform on it.

He walked out of his room and already heard in the Kitchen Rika being awake and made their breakfast for school. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Yoosung took a deep breath through his nose to smell the delicious scent of warm baked buns. He smiled brightly and rushed to the kitchen, watching Rika taking out the buns from the oven before she looked at him and smiled softly. "Good morning Yoosung." She said and placed the baking pan with the buns on it on the kitchen board.

Yoosung smiled more and walked to his Cousin. "Good morning Rika~" He chuckled and already reached out for a bun before Rika slapped his hand gently away, the boy whined and pouted softly as he pulled his hand close to him. "They are still hot and you would burn your fingers if you take one now." Rika said with a smile and ruffled her Cousin's hair. "But the Pancakes are ready and placed on the table, you can go eat them." Yoosung looked at the table in the Kitchen which was covered with a lot on food on it, also Pancakes.

The boy smiled brighter and sat down on his chair next to the table, beginning to eat the pancakes and smiled even more. "You are so good at cooking/baking, Rika! I wish I could cook this good too.." He pouted while he was chewing his pancakes, Rika only chuckled and watched Yoosung. "You can also cook really good Yoosung but please, leave your fingers away from cooking chinese Food." Both were laughing after Rika said and Yoosung nodded, eating up all his pancakes and smiled more. "Are the buns now a bit cooler? I can't wait to eat one!" Yoosung acted just like a child with a bright smile on his face. Rika touched the buns slightly and nodded gently, placing the buns on a plate and walked to the table where she placed the plate down.

Yoosung's eyes shined brightly as he grabbed a bun and took a bite of it, without putting something on it, he actually likes to eat them like this. "Delicious like always!" He said and Rika thanked him as well, beginning to eat with her cousin until they both ate everything up and had to leave for school. They quickly cleaned up the table and grabbed their bags, placing them on their backs.

"You actually look nervous Yoosung, is everything okay?"

Yoosung looked at the girl and only gave a small smile, nodding a little. "Yeah.. I think so." He answered and opened the door, pulling on his shoes quickly before he walked out, Rika following the boy right after. "Is it because of them?" He shivered as Rika asked him, he stayed quiet and only looked down while Rika closed the door behind their backs and went closer to Yoosung. "Hey, I bet they leave you alone now after the vocations. But we should really talk with a teacher-" "No! I-It's fine." Yoosung shaked his head quickly and began to walk his way to their school.

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