Chapter One

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I woke up one morning and saw that there was a new text. Picking up my phone, I glanced at the new text.

It read, "Hey Lilly, it's Ian. Me and Anthony were wondering if you want to be in lunchtime? Answer soon bye!"  Putting the phone back down, I smiled at the thought of hanging with my old pals.

Ian and Anthony have been friends since the second grade. I knew almost everything about the two. I guickly changed into some fresh clothes, grabbed my jacket, and made my way out of my house. I locked the door behind me and walked across the street to the guys house. I knock  on the door and after a minute it opens.

"Hey Lilly!" A familar man with black hair screamed and hugged me.

"Hey Anthony." I smile at him and walk in.

Ian enters the room and smiles at me, "OK, let's go!"

The three of us sat in the car as Ian started to record."Hey guys! Welcome to lunchtime with smosh!" He cheered while making a goofy face. I forced myself not to laugh. "So Anthony, what are we getting today?" Ian asked and pointed to his friend.

"We are going to sonics!" Anthony replied. I blushed slightly, remembering the times I used to eat there with them. "Oh, Ian, don't forget about our lovely guest." He added.

Ian  grinned and pointed the camera at me. "How could I ever forget Lilly?"

"What up everybody!?


Ian finishes the  recording as we take our final bites. "I'm gonna go edit this see ya." He said and left.

I looked at my phone real quick to see my boyfriend had texted me. I went to reply but Anthony stopped me."A-Anthony!" I yelled.

He threw my phone to the table and pinned was me to the wall. His brown eyes stared into mine, scaring me a bit.

"He isn't good for you." He growled. I had never seen him act like this.

"W-Why not?" I asked, blushing slightly.

He leaned closer to me and whispered, "because I had you first." Grinning, he kissed me passionly. I was confused about what was going on. I tried to push him off but couldn't.

Anthony finally broke the kiss. I looked at his face, it was probably the same red mine was. "I-I-I.." I tried to talk but couldn't.

Anthony had losen his grip on me and I broke lose and I ran outside. Lucky for me, Ian had to walk in just as I bolted out the door. "Lilly? what's going on?" He asked but I continued to run.

"DAMN IT!" Anthony screamed.


My boyfriend, Tyler, was waiting for me. "What took so long, bitch?" He asked as I entered his car. He never loved me, but I couldn't leave him.

"Where are we going today?" I asked with a sigh.

He grinned evilly. "A party. You'll love it." With that he drove off.

Finally is gonna stop being a lazy fuck and edit this story so I can read it without blood falling from eyes.

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