Music Quotes Part 1: Gary Allan

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ok, this is how it will work.

Subjects will be in bold AND itallics

quotes will be in itallics

my thoughts and comments will be in bold.

simple enough? ( I know that these artists didn't necessarily write these songs. )


Gary Allan


"Every storm runs, runs out of rain

Just like every dark night turns into day

Every heartache will fade away

Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain."

This quote made me realize that no matter how hard life got, it could only get better from the bottom, and that the suffering couldn't last forever.

I think everyone should listen to this song, at least once, and try to understand the true meaning.



" Don't even know which way is up, you just keep spinning down, 'round, down..."

This quote reminds us all that there are people who have suffered so much that they don't even know what happiness is anymore, and some of us can relate to this.


" I was so sure of who I didn't want to be"

This quote reminds me that, no matter how much we deny it or avoid it, other people still affect our lives, and actually, that's what the whole song is about!



I know this is not all the amazing Gary Allan quotes out there, but I only put the ones that affected me the most.

if you want me to add a quote, inbox me, comment, post it on my message board, text me at 7243136381, or Kik me at citcit12.


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