Single Soul

21 3 0

Carter's POV

I wake up and see the love of my life soundly asleep next to me. Who would have thought that we'd make it this far? She has made the past two and a half years of my life the best. I get up careful not to wake her and walk into the bathroom. I get myself ready for the day and walked back into the room only to see that Rae was still asleep. I walk out the room and go to the kitchen. No one was in there so I made myself a bowl of cereal. When I was finished, Tia walked in the and looked like all her life she had to fight. "CC I'm hungry." She said rubbing her eyes. "Ok do you want a bowl of cereal?" I asked grabbing a bowl and she nodded. "What cereal do you want?" I ask turning around. She was staring into space. "Hey Tia are you ok?" I ask and she was still starring at nothing. "Valentina hey?" I ask snapping in her face and she snaps out of it. "What's wrong Tia?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulder. "Ok well what kind of cereal do you want?" I ask walking back over to the cabinet. "Apple Cinnamon Cheerios." She says pushing her hair out of her face. I pour her a bowl and put some milk in there before setting it in front of her. Her hair looked a mess so I ran up to her room and got a brush, her hair oil, edge control, a toothbrush, and a red bandana. I walk back downstairs and she was almost done with her cereal.

When she was done, I put her bowl in the sink and walk back over to her. I start doing her hair. I laid her edges first and then but her hair into a bun. After finishing her hair, I take off the bandana and looked at her edges. Yes, bitch you better have your sister looking good. I was smiling hard as fuck because her hair looked really good. I thought I lost my touch but apparently, I didn't. I used to do my hair every morning starting from age 10. I told mama that I was a big girl and didn't need her to keep doing my hair. Four years later I got my dreads and every morning and night has been easier. "Ok go look in the mirror." I say as she runs off going up to her room. I take all of the stuff back upstairs. "Thank you, CC." she said hugging me as I put her hair stuff away. "Your welcome now go get ready." I said leaving the room and closing her door. At the same time, Papa was walking out of Addi and Aiden's room. "Good morning C." she said pushing her hair out of her face. I swear Tia acts like her more and more every day. "Morning." I said about to see if Rae is up. "Hey do you think you could watch take Tia and Tino out today. Rizzy asked us to help her with something and we didn't want the babysitter to be overwhelmed with all four of them." She asked. "Yea no problem. I'll find something for us to do." I say nodding. "Ok thanks so much. Are they awake?" she asked. "Tia is and I don't know about Tino." I said walking to our door. "Ok I'll check on him." She said walking into his room.

I walk into ours and Rae is on her phone. "Good morning." I said lying on her lap all in her phone. She was watching someone's snapchat story. "What do you want to do today. We have to watch Tia and Tino today." I said looking up at her. "We could go to the movies and then to the carnival." She said locking her phone and looking down at me. "Ok and then we can get something to eat after." I said and she nodded starting to play in my hair. "Babe did you make your hair appointment yet?" she asked and I shook my head. "Ok well you need to." She said and I looked up at her. "I know you not talking. When was the last time you took yo ass to get a line up or a haircut?" I said cracking up. "Oh so you got jokes with ya ole three toned hair. Brown, blonde, and red. Looks like you couldn't make up your mind as to what hair color you wanted." She said laughing. "Man whatever. Go get ready so we can make this movie." I said getting up and kissing her. She got up and went to the bathroom. I put on a black V-neck and put on some red joggers with a matching hoodie. I grab my Retro 11s and then go to see if Tia and Tino were ready after putting them on. Tia was dressed in all black with red pumas and a red bow in her head. Papa had to do that or mama could have. "Are you ready?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "Ok let go see if your brother is ready." I said grabbing her hand and walking out of the room. I knock on the door and Tia just barges in the room. "Tino are you ready we are waiting on you." She said and he was listening to music on his speaker. "That's why they smile in your face." He sang even though they were the wrong lyrics.

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