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   Hearing beeping noises & faint voices of people aurging my eyes began to fludder open.Blinking constantly because of the light I tried to move my arm to block the sun but instead I heard screaming ,& shouting.

"SHES UP ! KENDRA SURVIVED !" a woman in a nurse uniform announced rushing out of the room.I furrowed my eye brows together looking around the hospital room.it was balloons everywhere ,and flowers . People really had love for me the way the room looked because I shore as hell didn't know what was going on.

The same woman who ran out screaming came back in with more doctors.Some began to cry others began throwing questions at me that I didn't even know how to answer.

Trying to talk my thought was very dry ,and once of the nurses rushed to give me a sip of water.Drinking too much I began to choke ,& they rushed to baby me up.Couching water on my chest I looked down to see that my breast where fairly large. Looking at my legs I seen that I had got taller.wait maybe this was just a crazy dream that I was trapped in.

I began to laugh as the room grew silent."y'all I had a crazy dream ! I was 5 years old ,& the last thing I remember was my dad kissing me."

The nurses looked at each other then back to me.I began to grow aggravated at this none response group.

"Talk please !" I demanded

"Well sweetie , that wasn't a dream." The white lady said handing me a news paper. My eyes began to skim as I seen a picture of my younger self ." You have been in a coma for 11 years. If you hadn't woken up today we would have pulled your plug.

" This isn't true this is just a dream." I said feeling like this was some type of sick joke .

Seeing another white woman hand me a mirror I picked it up looking at my self . I had a nasty scar on my neck ,and head . Wanting to break down in tears I began throwing questions at them.

"Where's my daddy's ? Where's money ? Where's uncle bricks , my nany ? " Names began to flow out of my mouth like throw up.

" Your biological father Kendrick died in the shoot out , the man who took care of you once your father got arrested was shot & then burned alive , money committed suicide & we don't know of any man name bricks sweetie where sorry.If it wasn't for people feeling sorry for you we probably would have pulled the plug a long time ago but , Mrs.lezlie here started something called a GoFundMe to help pay for your medical expenses to stay hooded up to this machine."

The white woman smiled at me waving.She was a white woman with blonde her ,and blue eyes who looked to be in her mid 30's.I felt like I had nobody now , what was I going to do ? Who was I going to live with ?

"T-thanks , I really do appreciate what you've done for me miss.lezlie ." I said meaning every word.that was loyal of her to try ,and save a child in a fucked up situation that I was in.

"Well now that your up ,and talking good where going to try ,and see if you can walk & get you right into a nice home !" The woman who's been talking non stop said unplugging me from the machine that sat beside my hospital bed.

Two male doctors helped me up ,and it felt like I had just taken the best nap of my life with the worst dream.

"I'm not handy cap I got this."  I said walking to the door that I believed to be the bathroom.i closed the door and sat on the toilet grabbing some tissue off of the tissue roll.once I wiped I stood up screaming once I saw blood in the toilet .

Two white women rushed in the bathroom and laughed once they saw the blood in the toilet.Mrs.lezlie coming in with a white square shape thing.

"Your on something called your period .It's very common all woman have them , you bleed everymonth around the same time. It's how females bodies clean itself...that's why we call it a cycle." She smiled opening the thing she had in her hand.

"Can you guys give us a minute please " after she said that the other two ladies left us two in the bathroom by ourself.

"This is called a pad , you open it and sick the sticky part in your panties."

"I'm not wearing no pamper Mrs.lezlie , I'm 16 years old everybody's going to call me a pamper girl.

"No , everyone and when I say everyone I mean everybody wears pads or tampons but I don't suggest tampons because your still a virgin."

"What's that ?" I asked clueless placing the pad in my panties pulling them up.

"Something that stops the blood from being in your panties . It works way better but you have to stick it in your Virgina whole."

"O , you mean my bird ?" I asked laughing . She started laughing too making me smile.

"Yes your bird."

"My mom ,money use to call it bird ." I laughed a little bit more before washing my hands ." I really miss everybody I wish they can just see how big I've grown." I said looking at myself in the mirror I was a pretty light brown completion. My body was very mature for a 16 year old though.

"I know I wish they could too they would be so proud of the beautiful creation they made.you are truly a beautiful girl Kendra ! Every day that you've been in that comma I've been here with you by your side ! I had faith in you."

"I don't know weather to say thank you or call you a stalker." I joked she laughed with me before we walked back out of the bathroom and into the room.

Hearing my belly growl I officially wanted to throw down on some good food but I didn't have anymore.seeing everyone left the hospital room I turned to Mrs.lezle and made a pouting face.

"I'm starving Mrs.lezlie." I said feeling like I was about to faint from the lack of food in my system.

"How about we order some food then ? What would you like sweetie ?"

"Everything !"

This is chapter one of Kendra , and the beginning of a crazy book ! I hope you guys enjoy and rate ! This was just a chapter to let you know how things went after her comma so stay tuned !

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