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"No! The flowers arrangement should be over on the other side, not here!" Dennis shouted at one of the Obelisk Force member, who was sinking in fear, "Do you hear me!? I want this wedding to be perfect! Now fix it!" He shouted, making the Obelisk Force member quickly move the flower arrangement over to the other side.

Dennis shook his head and then rubs it in frustration. Usually, he doesn't act this frustrated over something so trivial, but the fact that today's an important day for a certain best friend of his, he wants this to be perfect.

"Dude, you need to take a chill pill."

Dennis frowned before he turned around and saw Sora standing in front of him, holding his lollipop in his hand.

"I can't relax, this wedding has to perfect," Dennis argued as he looks over the checklist he has in his hand, "After all this is Yuri and Serena big day, they'll soon have their status change from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife."

Sora roll his eyes, "Still, I don't get why you're making a big deal out of this?"

"I just want Yuri to be happy." Dennis sighed, "He deserves it after those long years of suffering from Academia, the war, the Professor, and whole Zarc thing." He explains before he crosses his arms and looks away from Sora with a shadow casting over his eyes, "I just don't want to see him suffer, anymore."

Sora looks at him with his eyes widened in complete shock before closing his eyes and letting out a small smile on his face, "I see... you know Dennis, you're almost like a big brother to him."

Dennis looks back at him with a small smile on his face, "You think so?"


It was now the big wedding day, everyone was excited about it, especially Dennis. Right now, he was watching his best friend and his soon to be wife exchanging vows with each other.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce husband and wife." The priest announced, "You may now kiss the bride."

Yuri and Serena both lean in and kiss each other. Everyone cheered for them while Dennis was smiling, happy that Yuri has found his happiness, but also felt a bit sad to see him grow up so fast. He then bit his lip, trying his best to hold back his tears when suddenly he felt someone pat his back. He glances over and saw Sora next to him, patting his back in a comforting way as the Fusion Duelist gives him a small smile on his face. Dennis couldn't help, but smile before silently thanks Sora for comforting him.

"Oi, you two!"

The two of them turns their heads and saw Yuri looking at them with an annoyed look on his face, "Don't just stand there! Come join us!"

Dennis and Sora look at each other, "Well, let's not keep the Fusion Prince, waiting." Sora says, smiling before he walks away from from the Entermage Duelist.

Dennis just stood there, watching his friends having a great time at the wedding, 'This... this what should've happened, not the war.' He thought as a smile appeared on his face before he rushes over to his friends and gives his best friend a pat on the back, "Congratulations Yuri! Hope, you and Serena make a lovely baby, together!"

Suddenly Yuri's face turns bright red before he glares the Entermage Duelist, "DENNIS!!!" He shouted in complete anger before the Fusion Prince starts chasing after him.

Everyone started laughing at the scene there watching while Dennis looks back at Yuri with a small smile on his face, 'Yep, this what should've happened.'

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