Thanks, Shadis- Levi x Reader

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     "Y'know, we don't get new recruits that much, so this is a special occasion!" Petra giggled excitedly as she took another sip of wine.
     "I didn't realize we were that special," I said, swirling my tea around in its cup.
     "We do this every time someone new joins the squad, (F/N). You're not THAT special," Oluo said obnoxiously.
     "Did the squad do this for you, Oluo? Probably not, because you're an obnoxious little bitch. But we still love you, even if you suck titan ass." I teased, smirking at him.
     "Oh that's it, you little shit-" He said reaching across the table to try to grab me. Captain Levi cut him off by grabbing his arm.
     "That's enough, you two. This is supposed to be a nice night for the new recruits, and you have no idea how close I am from making you two clean the entire HQ with your feet tied together."
     We shut up after that. That was the night that my friend Andy and I were being welcomed to Squad Levi. There was some wine, and apparently we were going to do something besides cleaning and hand-to-hand combat.
     We were all sitting around a table, and Petra was sharing a story about the first time she joined the Survey Corps. Oluo rudely interrupted her about how she pissed her pants the first time she went on an expedition, and Eld talked about how Oluo also wet himself on his first.
      "Well, our friend Brendon shit his pants the first time he used the 0DM gear. Everyone called him Beebo Crappenshitz for a month," Andy said.
     "Speaking of embarrassing nicknames, Andy, what did everyone call you after that incident at the canteens?" I asked. I knew I would get payback for this, but it was worth it.
     "What did Commander Shadis call you?" He fired back. I knew it was coming.
     "Everyone called him the Watering Whore."
     "Shadis called her Spicy Slut."
     "What the hell? Why?" Oluo exclaimed. Everyone had horrified expressions on their faces. Except for Captain Levi, of course.
     "Andy was caught cranking someone's hog right in front of the canteens," I said before Andy could get a word in.
     "Shadis grabbed (F/N)'s butt and she kicked him in the balls, so he gave her that name as a punishment," Andy retaliated.
     "Okay, enough bullshit. Stop talking about bad nicknames. (F/N), come with me to get some more wine," Captain Levi said. I was surprised he had asked me.
     "Oh, um, sure, yes sir," I responded. We walked down the hall together while everyone watched. When we got to the room with the alcohol, he turned to look at me.
     "What happened with you and Shadis?" He asked. I was kind of scared.
     "Um, nothing really."
     "I don't believe you. I need you to tell me what happened."
     "Um, uh..." I stuttered.
     "How about you tell me later, in my office? We will have little more privacy in there, if what you're going to tell me is private," He said. His voice was gentler than usual. I was getting kind of emotional, because what Shadis did was very personal and traumatic. On top of that, I was feeling very anxious because of Captain Levi. I started to tear up.
     "Hey, why are you crying?" He asked. I didn't respond. Sat down and laid my head down on a table. Levi sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
     "Hey, this is supposed to be a fun night. I'm sorry if I upset you. Let's go back to the squad," He said softly. I looked up at him and sniffled. He stroked my hair gently.
    "Thanks...." I whispered.
     "Dont mention it. And talk about this to anyone, understand? Don't go making me look bad," He said, brushing the hair out of my face. I chuckled.
      "That's yes sir, cadet," He said. He winked at me. I smiled. He grabbed the bottle of wine and we walked back to the squad together.

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