Poisoned by your love part.1

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A/N: Just saying this one will be sad so don't read if you don't like sad stories. Also this is kinda inspired by songs. This is gonna be in part 1 and part 2 since I'm just too lazy to write long ass chapters lmao xD

My blood, sweat and tears, my last dance, take it away

No one's POV

'Maybe I should go for a walk'
Nozomi thought to herself one cold evening while she was sitting inside looking at the city out her window. It looked so magical. Like anything could happen. Something dramatic. The poor girl did not know what was waiting for her.

Nozomi's POV

This day was just another day as my job as a fortune teller. Told people fortunes that didn't really matter. I had not seen anything interesting yet. Boring. I sighed as I closed the door to my apartment.

It seemed like nothing ever would happen in my life. I wish I saw a certain blonde again though. I was really close with her when were in high school but then I just lost contact with her. I don't remember her face anymore but I did remember her name. I had no idea what had happened to her. It was really sad how we just lost contact like that. Was that how much she meant to me? I thought and suddenly felt sad. I shook my head and decided not to focus on that. That was in my past.

No one's POV

The purple haired girl was heading out tonight. She really needed to let go of her past.

She was later out of her apartment and walked on the street. She noticed the lights, they were so pretty. Suddenly she also noticed that there was something going on a street close to her.

She went closer and noticed many men and in the middle of them there was something that looked like a stage. There was a blonde with very sexy clothes pole dancing. Nozomi could not take her eyes off her. She noticed she was blushing. But damn that girl looked pretty. beautiful blonde hair that flowed perfectly and sweet blue eyes that mesmerized the purple haired girl for a moment.

The men were screaming different things.
"Can I have you tonight? I'll pay a high price"
then another man screamed.
"I'll pay an even higher prize!"

The blonde girl stopped and looked in Nozomi's direction, then she smirked.
"What about that purple head then?"
Nozomi was completly hot and red all over. She started blushing harder.
"M-Me? No I'm not looking for those kinds of things I-I just passed by"
Nozomi said and she heard the the men laughing out loud.
"Guys I think we have one of those virgins here tonight!"
they said and laughed even harder, and it made Nozomi feel uncomfortable.

She was about to go but before she turned around Eli stared into her eyes with an expression that only seemed like it was full of adoration, and she smiled the most genuine smile ever.
"No don't go, stay here"
she spoke up. Nozomi's heart fluttered a bit at that smile and she relaxed. Eli turned her attention back to the guys.
"Whoever pays the highest amount of money gets to have me tonight"

It took a while but eventually Eli found the one that wanted to pay the highest amount. Nozomi walked home and couldn't help but to think of Eli's adorable smile and face.

The following days all Nozomi could think about was the blonde girl she saw. Her body, her hair, her smile, her eyes, the way she talked. It reminded her of the girl she used to have a crush on in high school, Eli Ayase.
She didn't meet her for a while since that night and she couldn't stand her longing for the other female. Sooner or later she noticed that she had a crush on this girl. She had a crush on a girl that sells herself for sex. Every evening Nozomi would cry herself too sleep, why her, why does she get these unwanted feelings when love always ends up in tragedy. Why did the world hate her so much?

My eyes follow your eyes, nose, lips
But please don't misunderstand
I can't hold it in when I see you,
this is such a pain
I take a big gulp and say,
"cheers instead of water"
I'm not even drunk but
I pretend to be drunk and act cute

The next time she met her was one day after her job. It was a rainy day and Nozomi realized she forgot her umbrella. She started walking home in the rain, already freezing. Then the rain suddenly stopped. But it was still raining? What the hell? She looked up and saw an umbrella over her head and the person that it belonged to was no other than the gorgeous blonde haired girl. Nozomi immidiately started blushing.
"You're cute when you're blushing"
the blonde said
"What's your name?"
"M-My name is Tojo Nozomi" Nozomi was able to get out of her mouth. She felt the air tense up a bit.
"Hey.......you're Nozomi! My best friend from high school! No wonder I thought you looked familiar that evening"
Eli said and smiled. Nozomi thought she looked like an angel when she smiled.
"Wait, you're Ayase Eli?!"
Nozomi was shocked.
"Yep, that's me"
Eli said and smirked. Nozomi giggled and looked down to cover up the fact that she was blushing again. Suddenly Eli put her hands under Nozomi's face and lifted it up. Nozomi thought she was about to go crazy.

"I saw that you have no umbrella, I can walk you home if you want" Eli said and flashed an eyesmile at Nozomi, which was charming, just like everything else about this girl.
"N-No really it's fine......you don't have to" Nozomi mentally facepalmed because she said that to her crush.
"I'll gladly do that" Eli said, totally serious.
"O-Okay.....if you don't mind...."
"Of course I don't"

They walked for a while and talked about their memories in high school, laughed and had a really fun time. Then they arrived at Nozomi's house.
"Goodbye E-"
Just when Nozomi hadn't expected it Eli leaned in to kiss her, not much longer than a short peck on the lips but passionate and sweet enough. Nozomi stood there, unable to move, unable to say anything.
"Meet me at 8 at the closest restaurant"
Eli smirked and then she walked away.
Nozomi touched her lips. What just happened? She would definitely go to that restaurant.

The time was 7 PM and Nozomi was going over what to wear for the 5th time already. She sighed. Suddenly she noticed a dress in her closet she never tried. It was red and elegant. She decided to wear it and put on some red lipstick to go with it.

Nozomi was outside the restaurant waiting. She looked inside and suddenly she saw something she wished to unsee. Eli was all over another girl, kissing her like no tomorrow. Nozomi got jealous and immidiately scolded herself
stop thinking like that, she isn't even your girlfriend yet! she thought. She didn't notice at first but tears started flowing down her cheeks.
"Why me....."
Nozomi sat down outside and cried so hard her vision was blurry. She saw someone looking at her just before she went unconscious.

A/N: Stay tuned for part 2, it's about to go down really fast. Part 2 is gonna be a little bit longer than part 1. Hope you enjoyed ^^

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