homework; jackson

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jackson as brother 


Formulae, equations and random numbers swirl in your brain making you want to hurl. You stare in disgust at your Add Maths homework, it's been TWO DAMN HOURS and you've STILL been staring at the same blank sheet of paper. Plus, the noise blaring from the television wasn't exactly helping you concentrate either.

You glare at your brother across the room, he has the TV on at full blast, not caring that you have homework to do.

'Yah!' you shout, your voice trying fighting for dominance with the TV 'Can you keep it down there?' you grumble. 'There are people who have to do work too you know,' you nearly scream.

Your brother doesn't even flinch at your screaming, his back still turned facing you. Boiling with exasperation, you pick up a nearby pillow and hurl it with all your strength at the back of his head, hitting his blonde hair.

You finally got his attention because he turned around to glare at you, annoyed. 'Aish, can you not annoy me for one day please?' he asked. 'Also, go and do your work in your freaking ROOM,' he said, exasperated.,

'The air cond is broken in there and it's so HOT,' you whine.

'Well, then you're going to have to deal with the TV then,' your brother said, his attention already focused on his show.

'Instead of wasting your time watching the TV why don't you come and help your poor sister?' I plead, waving my papers in the air.

'Uh, no thanks little sis,' he replies, winking. 'I'll just watch you struggle with it,' he said, enjoying at my expense.

'Oh come one please?' I plead. 'Just these questions and I'm done, and I can go out with Mark,' I beg.

'That's more reason NOT to help you,' he said sternly. You roll your eyes at his comment. Your brother didn't exactly like it that you were dating his best friend, constantly making him a third wheel when you guys got together.

'Oh come on, this is the only time he's free, and we plan on going to the movies and-,' you babble on before Jackson cuts you off abruptly.

'I DO NOT need to know about your plans with him,' he said, with a look of disgust on his face.

'Fine,' you said, desperate enough to play your final card. 'I'll do the house chores for the rest of the week,' you say giving up.

'Week?' he asked his tone, doubtful.

'Fine, MONTH,' you say hating to give in.

'That sound more like it,' he crowed, grinning. 'No dishes for A MONTH!' he shouts, celebrating.

'You done yet?' you ask irritated, watching him impatiently as he continued his victory around the living room.

'Fine, fine,' he said, dragging a chair to sit next to me.

'What are you doing?' he asked, snatching the paper out of my hands reading it. 'Oh My God this is so easy,' he scoffs, looking at you.

'Well, then teach me, smart aleck,' you glared.

Half an hour later and you finally finish your homework. 'Who's the best brother ever?' he asked, in a teasing tone as you packed up your stuff.

'You, you,' muttering under your breath

'I can't hear youuuuu,' he teased, holding the last item, my textbook in the air. You being the shorty you are, try in vain to reach it but all he does is hold it higher.

'You!' you practically scream, a grin forming your face as you do watching as he flinches and drops the book which falls neatly in your open palm.

You just zip up your bag, stuffing everything inside when you hear a 'ding' from your phone. Excited you check it. It's a message from Mark.

Markiepooh❤️:Hey, you done?

You: Yes yes

Markiepooh❤️: Okay I'm on the way to your house now. Is Jackson around?

You: You mean my idiot of a brother? 🙄 Yes

Markiepooh❤️: Better not come in then

You: I'll be out in 5 minutes

Markiepooh❤️:See you❤️❤️

Turning off your phone, you grab your handbag and jacket from the hall way and run out leaving a dumbfounded Jackson behind.

'Hey you can't just run out like that!' he shouts running after you.

To your relief your boyfriend is already waiting for you in the car. 'Bye big brother gotta run! Love you!' you say grinning, knowing you were going to get your way as you leapt into Mark's car and he drove off, leaving an annoyed and pissed off Jackson behind.

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