I'm Harper and this is my story (part 1) also my first story
I was a very ratchet baby tbh so other than that let's go to when I was 5.. that's when I started to be a really mean child.. I've handled that.. IF ONLY I could change at that time, my parents were not good people and I felt like they hated me.. my brother was REALLY mean back than ok.. now to when I was 10.. 3 years ago okok I sealed with my anger and I stared to be a good little girl.. ew ok I started to get into the internet and my online friends made me feel better, but now I have better one like Kierstyn and Kaidence and Keira a lot of my old online friends were to perverted for my age so I moved on.. I felt like everyone hated me at that age.. age 13 AKA now I am a lot better in anger than I was I go to high school and I play, msp and roblox.. that's all tbh but cya 🤡🔪