Anthony and the Taniwha

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There is a small country, at the bottom of the world. It is called the youngest country because people haven't lived there for very long. But if you look closely, there are signs of its age and its history. New Zealand is a real place where you will find dinosaurs walking the forests. It has mountain ranges and landscapes so isolated it looks as if human eyes have never seen them before. If you come and visit me here you will think it is a very safe place, because there seem to be no dangerous animals. No snakes, no poisonous spiders, no wolves, tigers or bears. The truth is they do not live here, because before tigers existed there was something else, something much more scary . . . even than them!

"My name is Anthony and this is where my story begins. I am a child of Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud. It is a country rich in mystery and tradition. Where anything is possible."

Chapter 1

The Taniwha

"Come Koro,* it's story time!" Anthony cried stretching his grandfather's old woollen jumper as he tried to pull him along to the bedroom. It was his favourite time of day because he was able to listen to stories that have been passed from his Great great grandfather to his great-grandfather to his grandfather and finally to him. It wasn't just the stories Anthony liked. It was the way the old man spoke and his eyes lit up in the dim light. It was almost like Anthony could see the characters coming to life. His Koro was tall and solid and when he spoke EVERYONE listened. He always had a cheeky smile and a glint in his faded eyes as he talked. Anthony could never be completely sure if Koro was telling the truth or trying to pull his leg. Koro had moved in with Anthony's family after his Grandmother had passed away two years ago. He was happy his Koro had moved in, but he missed his grandmother and her cooking. Anthony's favourite subject was a creature that was not often discussed. In fact it was pretty difficult to get his grandfather or anyone to talk about it. Which was something that made him curious and want to find out about it even more. So when he asked if he could choose the story that night he knew he would have to work very hard to get his grandfather talking.

"Please, please Koro. I just want to know what you know, what do they look like? What do they eat? Where does a Taniwha live?" His Grandfather had a troubled look in his eye, replacing his usual smile. He took a long drawn out breath. Anthony wasn't sure if it was a way of making time so he could try and change the subject or if it was a way to escape the room - his glance at the door hadn't gone unnoticed. But as the pause drew out and Koro looked into the expectant and inquisitive eyes of his Mokopuna*, he took another defeated breath and muttered quietly.

"Ok Moko, I think you are old enough but only this once, it's not good to talk about them." Koro took one more look around the quiet room. Anthony was not quite sure who he was looking for but his look was serious and sent a chill down his spine. They both leaned forward and spoke in hushed tones, emphasising the seriousness of what was to be said. Anthony barely dared to breath with the excitement and fear of finally being told about the dreaded TANIWHA! So what his Koro said next shocked him to his very core.

"Taniwha are good creatures they are the protectors, often of our waterways and they are found at every river, lake and ocean-bed in NZ."

"But Koro!" Anthony interjected, completely dismayed. He couldn't handle hearing anymore. "What do you mean they are good? You told me they were MONSTERS! Koro!" Anthony protested getting louder and louder. One look from Koro stopped him from carrying on and his Grandfather continued . . . .

"As I said. They are the protectors of our land they are to be respected. If you are respectful to them, then you do not need to be worried. But if you wander onto their land without permission, or disrespect them, then you will feel the full force of their power. There have been many of our people who have ended up inside the belly of a Taniwha because they did not respect their ways. Some Taniwha may look like a type of dragon, they could have scales like a snake and spikes down their spine. They might have legs like a lizard, a long neck and a large ferocious head. Although they can take on different forms, the Taniwha appears in what ever form it chooses.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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