Where are you?

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Maddie's POV
While me,Freddy,Summer,And Zach are walking i talked to Freddy about what happened a while a go.
M-Ummm about a while ago when you leave me and Zach alone what did you and Summer did back there?
F-About that well remember last night
I nodded
F-Well she wanted to know what Zach's feeling about her
F-and i wanted to thank you
F-You saved Zach's secret
M-oh yeah no problem
Then we both catched up to Summer and Zach.While were walking my eye catched a familiar look.She was all alone by herself so i walked to her
M-Hey Tomika you ok?
M-Why are you alone
T-Im waiting for Dart to come but i havent seen him since i came here.
Then i saw her head looking down
T-I-I just-
Then tears fall to her soft skin .i pulled her close and hug her tightly rubbing her back
M-He'll come i know
Freddy's POV
While were walking Maddie split to us going to another direction
F-Guys why is Maddie spliting up?
Z-i dont know maybe she is going to the bathroom
F-Then ill follow her
S-To the bathroom?
F-No you silly
S-Then where?
F-To the Girls Bathroom-
Z-Hahaha youre going in there
F-Im not finish yet.
S-Hahaha really?
F-Guys let me finish
Z-ok ok
F-Girls Bathroom-
Z-Hahaha sorry cant help it
F-Ughhh are you going to let me finish?
F-Im going OUTSIDE the girls Bathroom.
Z-Oh i thought INSIDE.
Z-Sorry just joking
F-Ok ill follow her well meet at the Canteen ok?
Z&S-Yes sir
Then i went at Maddie's direction seeing her hugging Tomika while tomika cries at her back.i didnt disturb them until Tomika sees me
F-Ummm hi
Then Maddie turned around looking at me
F-Hi Maddie
M-Why are you here?
F-I saw you going here so i followed you to make sure your safe
M-Ughhh thanks Freddy
Then she hugged me.I hugged her tightly seeing Tomika looking sad when seh saw us.I released Maddie then walked to Tomika
F-You ok?
T-I just miss Dart
T-He's not here
I saw the sadness in her face.So i hugged her
F-Were always here for you
Then i saw the beautiful smile i wanted to see
F-Theres the smile.
Tomika laughed
T-Thanks Freddy
F-For my friend

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