The Blood In Me

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Any number of words can describe how my head feels. Throbbing. Pulsating. Pounding. I mean I have had headaches before but never on this scale of intensity. I feel as if something is trying to escape my skull. As if there is something trapped inside my skull clawing its way to freedom. Given I have locked myself inside my house and barricaded every means of entry or exit but you would too if you had have seen even one of the things I have. There are people roaming the streets with weapons just searching for an innocent bystander to destroy. People aren't leaving their houses anymore. That's why I had to barricade everything, because the roamers were getting inventive.

Roamers. The media's name for the infected. Nobody knows how you get infected or where the infection started. The only thing that will keep you safe is to never and I mean ever come in contact with a roamer. They could be anyone that's why so many have gone solo or missing. They just run away from friends, from loved ones. They don't want to be left with the heartache of having to end one of their own bloods lives.

In a way I did the same thing. I just dropped off the face of the planet. Although at some point I think I actually did that literally but anyway more on roamers. They are classed as the infected population. There is no clue as to how it spreads or when it will end. We know that the infection is not a mutation and it does not mean you become a zombie. Only the pain of losing everything you hold dear to yourself is kept close to your heart. They are usually depicted by the media as those with weapons or blank looks or sometimes even both. Just know this, if you come across a roamer in nine out of ten cases you will die or become infected yourself. Maybe even both.

When I say nine out of ten cases I mean I am the only one to have survived a roamer attack. Here are the details for all you nosey idiots who want to stay alive. I was eleven and the infection had just started. Everyone was being told to leave the big cities or stay in their homes and barricade themselves and their families inside. My father had gone out the door to collect more firewood for my mother's pottery kiln when we heard the screeching cries of roamers. Mother rushed my sister to the attic and told me to lock everything as soon as father came inside.

I looked out the window and screamed for my father as I watched him being torn limb from limb. I remembered my mother's words and locked all the doors and windows on the ground floor then barricaded them with cupboards and the like. Racing up the stairs I heard a loud thump thud, thud and as I reached the second floor landing I saw my six year old sister standing at the top of the attic stairs with a butcher's cleaver in one hand, mother severed head in the other and a manic grin on her face. The sound I had heard was my mother limp body falling down the attic stairs. She turned her head upwards towards me and as she ran full pelt towards me I noticed a trickle of blood running from her nose.

Realising she had become infected I bolted down the stairs and reached the first floor landing just as the other roamers broke into my home. With my sister on the stairs above me and the roamers on the ground floor I had no idea what to do. My mother was dead. My father was in pieces in the backyard and my six year old sister was a psychotic murderer who was infected with roamers disease.

I had about seven stairs on either side of me to decide what to do. As I was only eleven I did what any eleven year old girl faced with psychotic murderers would do. I hunched down and screamed. I guess my scream was mental as well because the roamers started groaning and covering their ears. Even when I stopped screaming in fascination they continued to groan about an echoing scream inside their heads. The next thing that happened was not pleasant and I wish that it didn't happen. I turned to my sister and with a sadistic smile on my face said burst. Immediately her head began to swell before exploding into fragments all over the walls, floor and me. The same thing then ricocheted through all the heads of the roamers surrounding me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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