Teased ~ Sister x Cas

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----Your Sam and Deans younger sister by two years, but you love Castiel, and Sam and Dean constantly make fun of you for it.
(Your point of view)


"(Y/n), you seem really happy, what are you writing about?" Dean asked me as I began to put away my diary that I was writing in on the couch in the living room of the bunker.

"Oh, nothing." I replied, looking up just in time to see Dean smirk at something behind me. Before I knew it, the younger of my brothers snatched my book from behind me.

Sam opened to the page I was writing in and began to read out loud. I charged into him, but all he did was hold the book out of my reach, which is quite easy considering I'm only 5'0. I suppose I didn't get the talk gene that my brothers were blessed with.

" 'I can't stop thinking about him... him with those watery blue eyes that I can get lost in for what seems like hours, and he's got this scuffled dark hair that look like the softest thing in the world-' " Sam reads, and pauses for Dean to come over and read out loud. " 'And I swear I'd let Castiel-' " he stopped there and begans laughing with Sam. I, however, am still jumping for my notebook.

"Wait, so (y/n), let me get this straight, you've got this massive crush on Castiel?" Dean asks, and I try to shrink away as I feel my cheeks becoming rosy.

"Oh my god, you do!" Sam says, a little too loudly.

I force my eyes close and pray that this is all a dream, but when I open them, Sam and Dean are still there, still making fun of me. I sigh and wait for the bombardment of questions to flow.

"How long have you liked him?" Sam asks. "How long ago did we meet him?" I say, jokingly, even though it's true. "But does he even know?" Dean asks and I shake my head. "Well, are you going to tell him?" Sam asks and I shrug. "Sam...." Dean starts, "This is our baby sister, stop trying to set her up with someone." Dean finishes, I roll my eyes at his comment. "Dude, I'm twenty-two" I comment. "(Y/n), you're our baby sis." Dean ends it.

A few hours later, when the three of us are in the library, doing research for a case, "I still can't get over that you have a massive crush on Cas." Sam says. I crash my head into my hands and try to hide in my chair when Dean starts laughing and chanting "(y/n) and Cas, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

Sam pretends to pray to Cas, saying "Castiel, please come to bless the presence of our youngest and only sister, (y/n), due to her cru--" Sams cut off from his prayer by the fluttering of Cas's wings.

Sam and Dean start laughing even harder when Cas shows up behind me. "Hello Sam, Dean, (y/n). Is something wrong?" He asks, completely monotoned. "Yeah, sorry about that, you didn't actually have to come down here. It's just that (y/n) over here has--" I rush over to Dean to cover his mouth before he can finish his sentence, only causing Sam to burst out laughing again.

"Well, what do you have, (y/n)?" Cas asks me. I hesitate, "A really bad stomach ache, you should probably go." I bluff, but he buys it a flutters back to Heaven.

As soon as he's gone, my brothers start making kissing noises and imitate me making out with Castiel.


After a long night of being constantly teased, I crash into my bed, but morning comes much to quickly.

"Rise and shine, (y/n), we've found a hunt." Dean says, pounding on my bedroom door.

I zombie walk out to the Impala and fall into the backseat, using my arms as pillows and almost going back to sleep, but then I feel a familiar presence next to me.

"Cas! You scared me!" I jump, suddenly becoming wide awake. "I did not mean to startle you." Cas says, locking his ocean blue eyes with mine. I feel my heart start to thump faster then ever. Oh god I hope he doesn't notice this.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Cas asks me a few minutes after Dean starts driving. "Yeah, of course, why?" I ask him back. "Your heart has been beating at a rapid pace for an extended period of time." Castiel says, and I can see both Dean and Sam trying to hold in their laughter, but not working so well and ending up laughing out loud. "Oh, umm, I'm fine, thank you though." I tell him. I can feel my checks becoming burning.
"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay? Your checks are becoming awfully red now.... Are you sure you're not ill?" Before I can say anything, Cas brings his two fingers up to my forehead to heal me, but seems to not be able to find anything that is healable. "I'm okay." I tell Castiel with a small smile while Sam and Dean are grinning the whole time.

A hour or two into the car ride, I can feel my eyelids becoming heavy again. I curl into a ball and rest my head on the window of the car, but soon realize how incredibly uncomfortable this is. I wish I could just cuddle up next to Cas and fall asleep into his chest.

Cas must've read my thoughts, because he takes my arm and pulls me into his chest. I'm too tired to argue or say something though, but right before I fall asleep, I look up and see what seem like a smile form across Castiel's lips.


Even after Dean pulls the car over at a motel, I feel too sleepy and tired to carry myself into my room.

I hear a tired Dean and a sleepy Sam get out of the car and try to wake me up, but I just swat them away.
"Hey Cas, do you think you could carry (y/n) into her room, it doesn't seem like she'll be getting up." Sam asks Castiel, who obediently nods, taking my back under one arm and my legs under another.
I feel safe and secure against his muscular body, but I can almost hear his heart race.... I'm probably just tired.

Cas lays me down in my bed, but then, even to my shock, he lays down next to me. His crystal blue eyes locked onto my (y/e/c) ones, that are fluttering closed.
He takes my hand into his and watches me as I fall asleep.


The next night, after a long day of working, when Dean went out to get a drink at the nearest bar, I went to talk to Sam.

"Hey, what's up (y/n)?" Sam asked, opening his room door, letting me in.
"So I've been thinking" I started saying, causing Sam to sigh. "Is this about Castiel?" He asked, and I nodded. "You know he probably likes you back, right?" Sam asked, blowing me away. "You didn't know... oh. Well, I saw the way he was holding you in the car, and before I heard him and Dean talking about how to kiss a girl... that girl is probably you..." Sam tells me, and I feel a smile forming on my face. "Omg I can't believe it!! I'm so excited!!" I tell Sammy, who nods, excited for me too. "Awwe. My little sis, all grown up." He tells me, making me smile warmly at him.


The next day, after a lot of convincing from Sammy, I'm going to tell Cas how I feel about him.

"Hey, um, Sam?" He looks up from his research, "Will you be there tonight?" I ask him, and he nods, "How and I supposed to miss my baby sister confessing her love for an angel?" Sammy says jokingly.

~~later that night~~

I took a deep breath, looked at Sam for moral support, then prayed for Cas to come, but he just came from the other room, after talking with Dean... weird. Dean comes in too, seeming to be encouraging Cas on to do something, which is what Sam is doing for me.

"Cas, I have to tell you something... it's important." I say, looking at the ground. "Yes, (y/n)?" Cas asks, but I suddenly get fits of nervousness and almost back out, but I look at my brothers, who encourage me to spit it out, so I take a deep breath, and reconnect my eyes to his. "I love you, Castiel, more then you'd ever know." I say, waiting for a response.
"Thank my holy father." Cas says, before pinning me against the wall and whispering "because I've been waiting to do this for a very long time." into my ear.
Our lips connect and sparks, no, fireworks run through my bones and every blood vessel in my body. Cas slams both his hands against the wall behind me, cornering me, as I wrap my one arm around his neck, and the other on his cheek, slowly rallying him on. Out of nowhere, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso, in between kisses and pants, I tell him to go to my room, and just before he zaps us into my motel room, I catch my older brothers imitating me and Cas by fake making out.

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