The Attack

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My legs were frozen in place and I couldn't move. 

The walls of the underground cavern had suddenly exploded, causing me to squint my eyes to the sun. Oh how I had missed the sun. 

"C'mon Anayala, we have to get out of here! We aren't safe!" Chase practically yelled in my ear, leading me away from the crumbling tavern ceiling and it's unwelcomed guests.  

I ran with him, careful to match my pace with him so I wouldn't leave him in the dust. I glanced back and was horrified by what I saw. A swarm of Avalonian guards dressed in black flooded our haven, guns in their hands and shooting at anything that moved. Many of the people were on the ground, dead or close to it. I turned around, keeping my eyes ahead and trying to move quickly. I did not want my fate to end.

As Chase and I ran, I spotted the Indian lady from the shop. She stood in front of her store, not moving, but watching the horror that unfolded before her. I wanted to scream at her to run but she was suddenly grabbed by a guard who shook her wildly.

"WHERE IS SHE?" the guard spat at her. She laughed in his face, and then spit on him.

"I'd rather die standing than on my knees like a coward." she replied as he wiped the spit from his face.

He threw her on the ground and she fell on her hands and knees. He drew his sword, raising it quickly.

"Then on your knees you shall die!" he screamed, slashing her head off in one chop.

I gasped, not being able to fathom what I saw. 

"Anayala, we have to go now!" Chase yelled at me, pulling me away from the scene.

The murderer looked up at us and smiled at us evilly, stalking towards us. I began to run, practically dragging Chase along with me. We ran aimlessly, dodging bodies of the fallen, looking for a safe place.

"This way." Chase said, running ahead of me and leading us to a set of rocks. 

We stopped and he began to look at the rocks, focusing on them.

"Um, now is not a time to enjoy the scenery!" I whispered/yelled at him, seeing guards coming at us.

"Got it." he said breathlessly, and pushed on a certain rock. "Jump in." he pointed at a tunnel that had been hidden under a rock.

I hesitated. Small spaces weren't my thing. And neither was the darkness. But, it was life or death. And this fembot was going to live.

I jumped in,falling for a short bit to a small open space. I head Chase falling in and quickly got out of the way.  I looked up and saw that he managed to roll the rock back on the tunnel so we would be undetected. I sighed, but groped the darkness to find Chase. I touched the fabric of his shirt, and he soon enveloped me in a hug.

"Oh, Anayala..." Chase whispered, his voice soothing my body and brain. 

I began to sob. This world had been destroyed, and somehow, I felt as though this was my fault. Chase comforted me, rubbing my back and saying soothing words. We stood there for a moment, becoming involved in each other's embrace. Chase moved away at some moment, but never let go of my hand.

"Follow me." he said, leading me through intricate tunnels in the hole we had just fallen into.

I knew that this had been built for escape purposes and I was glad I had Chase with me. We wound through for about half an hour before coming to a dead end. 

Or what I thought was a dead end. Chase began to claw at what I thought was a dead end, slowly revealing light. I clawed with him, my robotic arm working a lot faster. Soon the cool outside breeze was on our face and I grew scared. It had been awhile since I was outside. 

"Ready?" Chase asked me, extending his hand out.

"Of course." I replied, gripping it tightly.

Hand in hand, we stepped out into the world we had longed to forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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