The love fight.

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Hey guys, my name is Skylar Horan, I'm 18, I love the colour light/bright blue, I love just about any kind of food, I have a mansion (My brother is in a band and makes money, so that's where I get my wealth from.) I love converse, Aeropostale, Victoria secret, and Claire's boutique. I am not very big fan of makeup but will wear it on a special occasion but I will wear lipgloss as an everyday thing.

I have dirty blonde wavy hair that comes 4 inches below my shoulder and light blue eyes and a tan skin complexion like Niall's friend Zayn just a bit lighter. I have high cheek bones and I am medium height. I also play soccer as offence. My jersey number is 21 and I play for Holmes Chapel. Me and Harry Styles form 1D play on the same team and his jersey number is my number but backwards, 12. (Hey guys just pretend that Harry plays soccer for Holmes Chapel, and Louis still plays for Yorkshire.) Me and Harry Styles have been best friends since 1st grade.

I always ride my dirt bike and Harry has the same bike. I also have sass outa this world.

(Picture of Skylar off to the side.)




"Hey Sky you ready to go?" Harry asked me while coming into my room. "Huh?" I asked while sitting up in bed squinting at the clock. "Holy mother of muffins!" I yelled once I saw that it was past 10:00 am. "Wow girl calm down, we are only about 10 minutes late." Harry reassured me. He walked over towards my walk in closet and found my black skinny jeans a white V-neck T-shirt and my black leather jacket while I grabbed my black converse and dirt bike helmet.

I started to undress with my back towards Harry who just sat down on my bed and he minded his own business or at least tried to. I saw through my mirror that his eyes kept glancing from his phone to me until I was only in my black lace bra and underwear and he eyed my body up and down while biting his lip trying to hold in a moan I'm guessing.

I slipped on my jeans then my shirt and put my leather jacket on and then my shoes. I looked through the mirror to fix my hair into a side pony tail with a small strand of my bangs falling onto each sides of my face. I put my black sunglasses on and turned around to face Harry who was just standing up off of my bed, and had a boner in his tight black skinny jeans.

Harry's outfit was similar to mine black converse, black skinny jeans, white T-shirt, and black sunglasses. I guess you could say that we were the bad boy bad girl type.

(Video off to the side.)

We both put our helmets on and he grabbed my hand and headed out to the garage, he let go of my hand to get his dirt bike while I grabbed mine.

We rode side by side to get to the place were we go racing. When we arrived I noticed a few people I didn't recognise at all while Harry pulled up next to me. They obviously knew Harry because they started walking in our direction.


Who do you think those people are, leave comments and please vote for the story to be continued please. Thank you!


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