More Than Words

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Title: More Than Words [one shot]

Author: shinju

Genre: AU, Fluff?

Rating: G or PG?

Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x OC and others [squint! :D]

Warning: OOC-ness orz

Word Count: 1268 Hey Say Words~~~

Summary: It has been a year yet he can’t do more than just the words he kept on saying and she wonders if those words are really meant. [TAT fail! /cries]

A/N: Fic for a friend~ just thought of something and asked her random questions. I ended up wanting to write something for her as a belated gift for her anniversary being the youngest JUMP member’s fan. I love you so much! I hope you’d like it. ^^

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Truth to be told, she was already feeling uneasy. He wasn’t the type to be late. The bad thoughts that kept on racing her mind is almost driving her insane. She kept on looking at her wrist watch every 3 seconds and at their classroom door hoping that somehow she’d see her boyfriend. She regretted it. Oh yes, she did.

“Why do I have to be so in a bad mood yesterday?” she muttered under her breath recalling the verbal fight they had the day before. Shaking her head she debated “It was his fault anyway! I don’t have to feel so guilty!” she looked outside the window and sighing as Ryutaro’s hurt face kept on flashing on her mind. “Why is he so good at making me feel this way? Darn you Ryutaro, show up right now!” she screamed in her thoughts but was then interrupted as the bell rang signaling the start of their classes. Everyone settled down and waited for their teacher to enter the room. Roselyn dropped her head on the desk in disappointment.

“Couldn’t it be that he’s too upset with what happened yesterday that he decided to skip classes today? Roselyn, what have you done?” she pounded her head on the table in frustration.

“Good morning!” a familiar voice rang into her ears and lifted her head to confirm her suspicions and she was right.

“Good morning Ate Shinju!” the rest of the class greeted.

“Your teacher is absent so I’ll be substituting him for today. Let’s take your attendance first~ who is absent?” she asked more like in a sing song manner like how she always does.

“Ryutaro is absent, ate~” Nishii Yukito said raising his hand in the process.

Roselyn saw her Senpai stole a glance at her before asking “Eh? That’s odd. He may not be as studious as Chinen but he never skips class. Do you know why?”

“I heard from Chinen Senpai that he is sick.” He stated his face flushing a bit shade of red as he mentioned his senpai’s name.

Shinju frowned worry obviously painted across her face. “Oww that’s bad. Well, everyone should take extra care of themselves ne? Saa let’s start~” she tried cheering the class up and proceeded with the lesson.

The class went on but Roselyn’s mind is off somewhere else. She’ll definitely go pay him a visit later – even if their war isn’t over yet.


She gave a forced smile as the door was opened for her. She was lead to his room and was left to decide if she’d enter now or later since she was told that he was taking a rest.

She ended up entering and there she saw him huddled into the mattress sleeping like an angel. She brushed the sticking hair from his forehead and felt the high temperature. The young boy’s brows met in the middle as if in pain breathing unevenly.

“R-Roselyn…” he talked in his sleep.

Roselyn felt a pang in her heart. Yes, she’s mad but seeing him in this state makes her want to hug him and never let go. Tell him it’s okay even if it’s not yet. “You’re really something Ryutaro. How could you do this to me? I still should be angry with what you did to me and here you are making my heart soft. I’ll get back to you you’ll see.” She retorted but gasped realizing that somehow Ryutaro’s hand found hers and held on to it tight as if his life depended on it.

“D-don’t… leave…” he whispered followed by a slight cough. Roselyn gave a squeeze to his hand. “Baka, what made you think I would? I told you I love you didn’t I?” she chuckled a bit. “This is insane…” she settled on his bedside and thought things over.

Who would think that a guy like him would give in to her? It was stupid. The way he confessed to her came in a rush. She wouldn’t believe him coz yeah, he’s the great Morimoto Ryutaro every girl has been flailing for, her classmate who is just as sharp tongued his Chinen Senpai is, her annoying friend who isn’t satisfied until she cries due to too much bullying. She hated him but she never knew that there were more than words that could explain those actions he had been showing her. She remembered how he went to her that morning during their monthly assembly telling her that he likes her but she won’t believe him cause it might be just one of his sick jokes under his sleeve. She shooed him away only to get surprised when he went up the stage and confessed in front of all the students in their school. Her mind went blank and ran outside electricity running down her being. She remembered how she shouted at him in fury when he was able to catch up with her still not believing him and how she realized that it was unquestionably love she felt for him the moment his delicately irresistible lips pressed into her trembling ones. That very moment, she felt her world stopped from revolving feeling his heartbeat against her palms. That’s how love came to them. They were no doubt irrevocably in love with each other but after that confession, Ryutaro never uttered the words she has been yearning to hear. It has been a year. Yes, he says “I love you, too”… in mails but never in front of her. She wondered if Ryutaro really meant those words. She kept on thinking of “what if’s” and is afraid to hurt herself in the end.

The young lady stretched her legs. They’re a bit sore from sitting too much on his bedside only to kick something just beside her feet. It was a small notebook with Ryutaro’s handwriting in it. It seems to be a journal so she proceeded with the latest entry.

I’m such a failure. That day… when I confessed to her, I vowed to myself never to make her cry. I saw hurt into those eyes I adore and I can never forgive myself for that. Why do I have to be such a chicken? So afraid to express my love for her? I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Funny. I am Morimoto Ryutaro – the great Morimoto Ryutaro who makes girls fall with my killer smile but just a glimpse of her takes my breath away. It’s amazing how I got caught into those beautiful eyes of hers that seems to sparkle every time. I love her and I don’t have any single doubt about that. But why can’t I express it more than the words I always tell her when we exchange mails? Why do I always get tongue tied when it comes to expressing it into words?

Roselyn, I love you… I love you, I love you, I love you. Don’t ever think that I’ll exchange you with Chinen. That will never happen because I love you more than what these words could ever mean.

She felt someone hug her from behind – that incredible warmth she missed for the passed days that they had fought over small things. She closed her eyes as he whispered into his ears. “I’m… sorry… I’m sorry for making you feel like I don’t love y—.” and he was silenced as she turned to hug him back. “Shut up, you idiot.” And this time it was her turn to give him a kiss that spelled everything – every single emotion was conveyed, more than words could ever express. She felt the familiar beating of his heart on her palms. It has been a year… and nothing has changed.

“I love you.”

A/N: /hides I love you Roselyn! I hope you won’t disown me after reading this~ gomen!

But HAPPY ANNIVERSARY~ More years to come!

(x-posted; witchlovespells, 2010)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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