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Seokjin slowly maneuvered his way through the crowed hallways. All eyes fell upon him, scanning him. He glanced slightly at them, but all he could see was the slight smirks that played upon their faces. He quickly grabbed his stuff form his locker  and proceed to his assigned classroom. Leaning on the door, was one of his best friends, and that brought a smile to his face.

"Hey," Taehyung greeted with his usual square smile. Seokjin smiled in return and then proceeded to classroom. He then sat in the seat closest to the blackboard. Why, you might ask? Normally, the bad behaved students would hang out towards the back of the class. Soon students flooded into the classroom and filled in the empty seats. All eyes fell upon him, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Seokjin POV
I tried to focus on the teachers lesson, but with thousands of eyes staring at you it's easy to do. "Hey, you okay?" Taehyung asked looking at me concern evident in his eyes.

"Yeah," I whispered back, "trying to focus on the lecture." He nodded and diverted his attention back to the board. I sighed, frustrated as I felt a pair of eyes burn through my bare back.
"Ugh, finally class is over!" I could hear Jimin, say over the crowd of whispers.

"Hey, Jin! I'm done do you want me to leave first?" Taehyung glanced over nervously, as one of Namjoon's friends stared intently at him. I glanced back and nodded slightly, "Sure," I said as he left quickly. Soon everyone left expect for the group of girls in the back of the room.

Nervously, I made my way quickly to the doors. My head hanging low hoping they wouldn't notice me. "And where do you think you're going?" The girl stood in the doorway blocking my only escape route.
A/N: Sorry for such a short first chapter, but hoped you still enjoyed it🤗. Love you guys, don't forget to vote! I update ever Sunday!


Still the same

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Still the same...


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