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I stepped out the shower , and was drying my hair when my mom called me . So I threw on some basketball shorts and a tank top on , and ran downstairs "Yes mama ."

I walked into the living room and saw ... MADEA ! What the HECK !

"Hurry the hell up boy I dont got all day !" She yelled and I ran to the living room and sat down . "Uh ma ma whats this all about ?"

I looked down avoiding Madea's eyes . She scares me . Finally my mom spoke up "Tito , your having a arranged marriage ." I hopped up .

"ARRANGED WHAT ! No way ma-"

"Boy you better sit the hell back down , before I smack the a out yo fro !" I sat down quick . "I said your getting an arranged marriage . I know what you do Tito , and I want you to settle down . I want you to be happy ." I sighed and looked at her . I was so mad how could she do this !

"HAPPY HA-" I noticed Madea"s face and lowered my tone . "If you wanted me to be happy you wouldnt be forcing love on me ."

"Dont think of it as forcing love on you , just encouraging it . Its for your own good , and nothing you say will change anything its already done ." I ran my fingers thru my hair as she continued "We've gotten you too your own place , and you have to til tomorrow to be packed . All your friends are havinjg to do this too , so your not alone . We love you boys Jacob ." I sighed and went upstairs and slammed the door . Next thing I knew the door flew open , and Madea smacked the hell out of me .

"SLAM ANOTHER DOOR ! " I was terrified . "Im sorry Madea , i- i- it slipped !"

"It better had slipped before my hand slip into yo face again" she said walking out the room . I picked up my phone calling my boys on 4 way .

"Aye I cant believe this " I said when they all answered .

"Man I know . Marriage to someone I dont even know " Ray said sighing .

"I just hope she's pretty . My mom has BAD taste ." Rod said laughing a little . We all laughed cause his mom thought all girls were beautiful .

"I really dont want to do this . "

"Man I gotta go , time to pack ." Craig said . We all agreed , and I started packing . Its going to be a long day .


I woke up early , not ready to start moving . I reluctantly started moving things to the apartment , it was pretty big . I saw that alot of stuff was already there . Must be the "girls" stuff . They really supplied us .

Finally we had moved all my stuff , I was sitting on the couch in the new place watching TV when I heard my mom walk in . "Jacob , she's here ." I fixed my hair and in walked my mom , with one of the baddest but quiet girls that we had went to school with . I smiled at her and she sorta smiled back .

I stuck out my hand "Im Jacob ." She shook it , and smiled "I know ... Im Jas'Mariee ." I smiled .

My mom looked satisfied "Okay Tito , I'll leave you two alone to get to know eachother ." She called walking out the door .

We sat on the couch watching tv until she spoke .

"This is so awkward ." We both burst out laughing . Maybe this wont be so bad after all , maybe ...

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