A new gem: Chapter 1

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(A/N) this is a short introduction to the series I'm planning on doing, hope ya like it.

And please, tell me what you think about it, I love to hear your input :)


It was incredibly bright out which made Steven thankful that there were large trees that blocked most of the sun's rays. He put a pair of sunglasses on for the small patches of light that did somehow peek through though.

"Nice glasses dude." Amethyst stated with a small chuckle, donning a pair of her own before posing dramatically at Steven.

"Whaddya think?" Steven laughed lightly before sending the purple gem a smirk, snapping both his fingers at her.

"Stylish as always Amethyst." Pearl sighed in slight irritation besides the both of them, giving Garnet a quick glance almost begging her. Garnet stayed silent however much to Pearl's despair.

"Now you two." Both Steven's and Amethyst's attention was now on Pearl who gave them a stern expression.

"We're here on a mission, not to play around." Steven pouted slightly taking his glasses off.

"Aww but Pearl..." Amethyst smirked in response taking her pair of sunglasses off as well.

"Yeah, but Pearl~" Pearl lightly rubbed her head before walking away from the two of them, leaving Garnet to deal with them. Garnet stared down at the two of them her shades reflecting the sunlight.

"Amethyst. Go search around the field." Amethyst sent Steven a wink before cartwheeling away with a 'You got it!'. Steven looked up at Garnet with an excited expression, ready to hear his assignment.

"Steven," His eyes lit up as a stupid grin stretched across his face.

"Go explore the forest." Steven held stars in his eyes after hearing those words. His feet took off across the ground towards the forest, if Garnet didn't stop him. He gave her a confused glance as she kneeled down to his level a serious expression on her face.

"Just remember, if you find anything, come get us." Steven nodded, puckering his lips and straightening his arms to a 90 degree angle.

"You got it, serious Steven activate!" Her yelled out causing the gem beside him to smile.

"Love ya Steven." She stood to her full height before jumping out of his sights. Steven waved after her, a bassful blush on his face. He chuckled lightly before turning towards the forest behind him.

"Serious Steven go!" He ran laughing into the forest, a bright smile on his face. The forest was mostly empty, the only animals around being a squirrel or a bird. He scouted around the trees, his eyes looking for anything suspicious.

"No signs of anything here.." He stated before carefully moving to another tree, tip-toeing around it.

"Nothing here either, what about her-!" He was cut off as he turned around, slamming his face into something very hard. He fell onto his butt, rubbing his aching head before looking at what he ran into.

"Wow..." He stared in wonder as he saw a small structure in front of him. The top of the structure didn't even reach the trees and vines and bushes were wrapped around it, making it camouflaged. He stood up, noticing the small hand contraption that held a gem in the middle of it. Curiously he put his hand upon it, watching as the door to the structure slowy started to open, the sound of it screeching against itself showing signs of how old it was. He paused, looking up at the large door with a curious and concerned expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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