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It came to my attention that many of the members don't have Kik which is alright, however we need a communication app.

So you can vote for which one you would like! So vote here with an app!

And now to the jobs! You can do as many jobs as possible, and you can choose a many as you want!

Strawberries (Cover contest)
As the name suggests, the Strawberries will host a cover conest!

You're job will be to decide on a contest every week (If possible) and to make the varied as possible!

There will be 3 honorable mentions and a 3rd, 2nd and 1st place! There will be prizes which we will decide on as well!

If you want to be a strawberry then vote here!

Raspberries (Cover tutorials)
In this book, you'll have to make many different tutorials for new graphic designers! Try to update weekly (If possible)

If you want to be a raspberry vote here!

Cranberries (Cover shop)
In this book, book covers can be requested. You would have to make these covers as soon as possible. We will decided on payment too.

If you want to be a cranberry vote here.

Blueberries (Fandom Paradise)
Here you can connect with the readers and talk about many fandoms you are in!

If you want to be a blueberry vote here!

Elderberries (Recommendations)
To be a Elderberry then you will have to recommend different anime or manga people would enjoy!

If you want to be an elderberry vote here!

Other jobs will require for everyone to take part in!

This includes;

Blackberries (Graphic Portfolio)
This one is pretty self explanatory, you'll have to create covers, icons, banners and other graphics to put on display! Make sure to give yourself credit!

Mulberries (All about us)
In here you can tell everyone all about yourself. You could put in facts and information about yourself. Please don't give away any personal information!

Gooseberries (Sailing ships)
This one is a fangirl/boy haven. Here you can rant about your favourite ships and OTPS and you can connect with the readers! However, do not hate on any ships, only love!

If you have any other ideas don't be shy and tell us!

~Blu <3

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