chapter eleven

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The next day was the funeral of the beloved Ms. Wellsworth. The gray clouds and autumns' chill brought a great feeling of sadness upon all who dwelled in Oak Vale. The redhead girl, Jess, was more sad than all, for Ms. Wellsworth was like a mother to her. Jess's parents died in a shipwreck in their way to Italy for their jobs, and Jess was only seven at the time. When she arrived at Oak Vale, Ms. Wellsworth took her under her wing, and cared for her.

           Alice still lay in her bed, recovering from the gruesome murder she committed yesterday. The smell of blood and the sound of Ms. Wellsworth's screams still clung to Alice's mind like an Alabama tick, digging deeper and deeper, entering the soul, where the memory would remain for ever. Alice had not eaten since, nor has she drank. She had hardly slept, and because of that she was dead tired. The wound on her side felt better than it did before. Now it was a dark red scab that had a repulsive odor. But it did not hurt as much.

           Alice heard the electric speaker come to life. "Everyone please gather at the front door. Buses await to take us to the cemetery," said Mrs. Jackson.

           Alice grew very scared, and guilt consumed her like a monstrous wave. "I'm s-sorry," Alice muttered to herself, tears filling her eyes. "I am sorry Ms. Wellsworth. If I get taken to prison and die, I will go to hell as I deserve."

           The demonic entity grew stronger inside Alice's soul. Hour by hour, Alice felt the demons' power grow. Her hopes that the possession was all a nightmare had evanesced, and she new that this was all real. The demon feasted on her soul as she arose from the bed. The pain of her wound did not mean anything to her now. The demon gave her strength, dark strength to keep moving.

            Sarah suddenly came through the door, and gasped when she saw Alice standing. She rushed to her side. "Alice!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing, get back in bed!"

           "I don't need rest," Alice said flatly. Inside she was shocked at her answer. She sounded, evil. Dark, and cold. But her expression remained straight.

           Sarah winced, and stared into Alice's blank brown eyes with concern. "...ok then," she said with hesitation. "Do you need help with anything?"

          "No thank you," Alice replied.

          Sarah looked at Alice with concern. She then forced a weak smile and left the room without another word. When the large door shut, Alice began to feel remorse by sending her worried best friend away. Suddenly, she felt a wave of coldness wash over her, and seep into her veins. Alice's head twitched a couple times, and then she stood. Once again the demon inside her was making her commit actions she should not, despite the fact that she was seriously injured. Very, Very slowly, the demon was taking over Alice's soul, like cold shadow drowning the light of a lone candle.

          Alice slipped out of her dirty gown, exposing her wound to the chilly air. "I must go to the funeral," she said to herself, blankly. "I wouldn't want to miss it."

          After she put on a dress that was not adequate for a funeral, she left the room, walking without a limp from her wound.

All of Oak Vale who were able to come all filed into a row of buses; even Alice joined. With a puff of exhaust the buses drove away to the cemetery of the nearby church.

          Alice stared blankly out the window, watching the fields rush by like a green river. Driving on the country road reminded her of when Mr. Zach took her to Oak Vale, when her parents died. Sadness started to fill her. But the coldness of the demon prevented it from showing. Suddenly, the coldness dwindled, just as Sarah approached. "What the-" she sat beside Alice. "Alice, what are you doing here?"

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