Andrea Anderson

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Andrea Anderson

I feel a pang of regret rushing through me, I shouldn't have confessed that. If I didn't, Marcel wouldn't be at the clinic right now, unconcious.

Questions were thrown at me, they were all curious of what the exact thing happened. But, my mouth won't open, no words coming out.

My life shouldn't be dramatic like this, it should just be a normal one, a happy one. I'm not used to this all lovey dovey all over someone.

Before I could continue to talk with myself, the clinic's door opened. Nurse Desirey went out. Her eyes found me, I looked at her and stood up. I knew she was gonna ask me to come inside.

I entered the clinic, looking back, people were outside whispering, I shut the door behind me and walked at where Marcel is laying down.

He's awake. Now, I wave of relief washed over me. I was just too delighted that he's already awake.

Suprisingly, he pulled me in and ordered me to sit down. I followed him, his hand on top of mine.

"I was looking for you," He whispered, his voice hoarse. And I wasn't really expecting that to hear. Marcel's voice is usually slightly high pitched with a hint of British accent.

But this voice sounds a lot more different. His British accent, you could hear the accent cleary. The pitch of his voice, it's so deep.

"How are you?" I asked, ignoring the fact that I heard a different kind of voice.

"You're here, so I'm okay." I blushed at his answer. I still heard the new voice of him, the deep one.

I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at her interlocked fingers. A finger touched my chin, lifted it up.

I immediately looked at Marcel, "I have to tell you something. Something really different."

Marcel looked to my left and smiled at the Nurse. And then, the Nurse left. Leaving the two of us in the clinic.

"My name isn't really Marcel." He mumbled, not even looking at me, he's just looking at our hands and he continued, "My name is Harry Edward Styles. I don't live in this town, I live in Chesire. I left my parent's back in Chesire because they abused me. I moved here in London to continue my studies."

Like from earlier, I couldn't talk. I wasn't shock at what Marcel- or Harry is telling me. I'm just a bit taken back from what he said. I didn't expect this.

He suddenly removed his glasses, finally got the chance to look into his eyes. A shade of green. What a beautiful color.

"These glasses are fake. These clothes? I'm not into clothes like this." He suddenly sat up from the clinic's bed and removed his long sleeve polo and his sleeveless suit.

Well, now he's shirtless. But that didn't catch my attention, my attention was on his inked skin.

A lot of different kinds of tattoos were inked on his toned stomach. I slowly extended a hand and twirl my fingers around them, making him breathe heavily.

"These are my tattoos, these tattoos makes me strong and stand up for myself. I'm glad I inked my skin." He whispered, his stoamach going up and down slowly as I continue to trail my fingers around.

I looked up at him and see hin watching me. "I never expected this." I barely whispered. But I knew he heard it.

"I never expected to fall in love." He whispered also, cupping my cheek with his hand and putting his forehead on mine.

"My hair isn't really like this. It's actually a curly hair." I nodded, feeling his breath fan on my lips.

"I told all of this to you because I have strong feelings towards you. I, it's, what are you doing to me? You're making me feel something inside me that I couldn't understand what. It's so odd, so new." I listened to every word he said, making my heart slowly melt.

I noticed how close we are, so I bit my lip, nervous on my spot.

"Stop doing that.." He whispered, looking at my lips. I blushed abd released my bottom lip from my teeth.

"I just, wanna thank you so much because you loved me for who I am." I thought he was going to say something more, and I thought that I need to reply.

But I was cut off with a pair of lips, touching mine.


lala, oh hai there. its been a long time. haha. i hope u enjoyed this chap. its a little umm hmm.. kissy stuff. haha. please do vote and comment, thanks. (follow if your new :3) what dya think about the new cover? x

~leeyah x

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