The Story that Senpai Doesn't Know (先輩をしらないものがたり) [ONE-SHOT]

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This story has never been about me…

It was about someone I’ve met…

Someone I’ve admired…

And someone I’ve loved.

It has started on that brilliant day, yet I can still remember it now.

His laughing face, his angry face…

I have loved them all. Isn’t it strange?

I have always known this secret that he never knew…

And today, I will gladly tell it you.


“I’m late!” I yelled to myself as I ran downstairs and hurriedly prepared myself to school.

“Hey, Shizue! Aren’t you going to take a bath?”

“It’s okay Ma! I already did yesterday! Bye!” I bid as I hurriedly ran outside.

“Ugh… this will be my first day and I’m already late? Talk about luck…” I whispered to myself as take the shortest route to reach the school. And that is…

To climb the school’s wall that is around 5ft. tall.

“Alright!” I heaved as I climbed the pagoda tree beside the wall and prepared myself to jump across.

“Hey! Get down from there! It’s dangerous!” A young girl shouted. She’s a middle school student from our school… I guess.

Anyways, I ignored her and jumped. I rolled on the grassy field and started running to reach my classroom.

“I have examined this place so much from afar and I know where to go without even asking…Hmp!” I boasted to myself as I continued to drag myself.

Not long enough when I reached my classroom.

“Oh! You’ve attended the same high school as me?”

“I didn’t know that you will be here too!”

“I wonder where she went for high school…”

Ahh! So much chattering around. I quickly looked for a place to seat but there’s no available.

Is it even possible?

As I was standing next to the door, I heard someone from behind me.

“Excuse me? Can you please make way? This thing is kinda heavy…”

I turned around. I saw this guy carrying a desk on his arms.

“S-sure!” I answered.

I stepped backwards and looked at him keenly.

He looks… he looks… he looks normal.

As he was putting the desk on the back part of the class, it seems like I was the only one who noticed him. I didn’t know such persons with weak presence do really exist.

He went out using the other door after he finished so I quickly sat in there and waited for the classes to start.

The classes started and everything was so boring. I looked outside the window… and found someone sitting under the magnolia tree.

I ignored that figure. Why would I even care about that now?

Lunch break.

I brought my bento with me since it’s really troublesome to eat with girls in the classroom that knows nothing but to chitchat with one another.

The Story that Senpai Doesn't Know (先輩をしらないものがたり) [ONE-SHOT]Where stories live. Discover now