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In six days, every single living cell on planet Earth will be dead.

You have one chance, Mark Fischbach.


I woke up the next morning not feeling the normal grogginess that I usually felt because of a lack of sleep the night before. Instead, I woke up feeling a surge of energy. My name was going to go down in the history books for being the hero that cured cancer. Everyone was going to love and admire me for what I did.
Life was going to be perfect.

"Honey! Wake up! You're going to be late for work and you have to make sure that you say goodbye to Penny before I take her to school!" My wife, Amy, yelled from the living room. I had met her during my sophomore year while I was science major and asked her out almost a year after we met. We dated for three years before I decided to ask her perhaps the most important question you could ever ask someone. Before asking her, I took her to the place where we had first met, which was a cafe just outside our college campus. I told her how she had changed my life and that I loved her before getting down on one knee and pulling the little gray box out of my pocket to reveal a diamond ring that I spent a lot of money on and a lot of time finding the perfect one. Tears filled her eyes as the words, "Will you marry me?" left me. As you could've probably guessed, she said yes.
"Okay, I'm getting up now!" I was surprised that I had woken up later than usual, especially today. I had gotten home from work about ten minutes after my shift had ended. I had gone to bed about twenty minutes after getting home so it wasn't like I had slept in on purpose.
Nonetheless, I got up and started getting changed into my work clothes. As I was putting on my lab coat, I thought about how I had to hide the immense excitement and pride that I felt when I came home last night. I hadn't told anyone that I had cured cancer because I wanted to wait until coming to work this morning before telling everyone what I had just done to change the course of human history forever.

"Oh, good." Amy sighed with relief as I emerged from the bathroom after brushing my teeth, washing my face, and combing my hair. "It's almost time for me to take Penny to school and I was afraid that I was going to have to take her before you said goodbye to her."
"I would never let her go to school without saying goodbye to her." I reassured my beautiful wife as I planted a kiss on her forehead. "Where is she?"
"She's in her room."
"Okay, I'll go say goodbye before I head off."
"Okay." Amy smiled before heading back downstairs. "I'll see you in a little bit then."

"Penny, can I come in sweetie?" I asked my daughter as I knocked on her door.
"Yes." I heard her say from inside her room.
When I opened her door, I saw her place her backpack on her bed before looking over at me with her bright blue eyes. She looked just like her mother and it made me happy that she inherited Amy's appearance rather than my own because Amy was the one who was attractive and not me, even though she's told me numerous times otherwise.
"Daddy, do I really have to go to school?" She asked me in that cute little voice of hers.
"Yes, of course you have to go to school." I was confused as to why she was asking this. Normally, she was excited to go to school because she liked seeing her friends there and she liked her art class so much. "It's Monday. You'll have to wait until Saturday comes before you don't have to go to school."
Penny sighed as she put her backpack over her shoulders. "I guess you're right Daddy."
"Penny, is everything alright?" My confusion turned into concern because my daughter wasn't acting like herself at all.
"Yes, everything's alright." She assured me as she held out her arms towards me. I picked her up and she rested her head on my shoulder as she hugged me tightly. "I'm just tired, that's all."
I got the feeling that Penny was more than just tired but I decided not to press the matter any further because I was already running late enough for work as it is. I carried Penny downstairs to where Amy was waiting for her with her car keys in her hand.
"Go and get into the car Penny. I'll be out there in a second." Amy told Penny as I set Penny down on the ground.
"Okay Mommy." Her blonde hair bounced as she opened the front door and stepped outside before closing it behind her.
I sighed as I looked at Amy. "I'm worried about Penny. She asked me if she had to go to school. You know that she's always excited about going to school. When I asked if everything was alright, she just said that she was tired. I really hope that everyone's being nice to her at school and that everything's going great for her over there."
"Oh Mark, you worry way too much." Amy wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder like Penny had done when I had picked her up. "I'm sure she's fine. Besides, her school would let us know if anything was wrong."
"Yeah, I suppose that's true." I agreed while letting out a sigh. Maybe Amy was right. Maybe I did worry way too much.
"You better get going." Amy pointed to the stove, which had the time displayed on it. "You're late for work."
"Yeah, I guess I am." I sighed again, surprised that I wasn't freaking out about the fact that I was running late. "I better get going before my boss calls me and yells at me."
I was about to break our hug when she pressed her lips to mine and closed her eyes. I immediately responded to her actions by kissing back and closing my eyes as well. We kissed for a few moments before I needed to pull away in order to draw in a much needed breath.
"I love you." Amy planted a kiss on my cheek a moment after we kissed. "Can you please not stay late tonight? I've been missing spending time with you."
"Yeah, I won't stay late tonight." I promised. I no longer need to stay late at work due to the fact that I completed my life goal of curing cancer.
"Thank you darling." Amy pecked my lips before she started heading towards the front door. "Make sure you get the newspaper before you leave."
"I will." I promised as I gave her a small wave before she closed the door.
I left the house to go to work a few minutes after Amy had left to take Penny to school. As soon as I walked outside, I looked down and saw the daily newspaper laying by my feet. I bent down in order to pick it up and to read it quickly since I was running late for work.

One Chance {Markiplier Fanfiction/One Chance Novelization}Where stories live. Discover now