Unusual meeting

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It's 8 pm. Time for you to close the door of the store where you work everyday. It's been a long and hard day and the fact that it is already dark outside doesn't make anything better. You just want to go home and sleep. You put your hands in the pockets of your jacket when the wind blows trough your hair. The cold autumn wind makes you shiver. You slowly walk trough the street, going home. Almost no one was outside. Everyone was inside their house, warm and cozy. You sigh as you walk ahead. 

It's a long walk to your home since you can't afford a car. Your cheeks turned red and you're trying to warm up your hands in your pockets. You hated this walk ever since you started working in that little store. But yes.. you needed the money. You finally had your own little house and you had to pay the bills like every other person. You turn around the corner. Just a few more streets. 'Watch out!' Someone yells. You quickly turn around and see someone coming your way on a skateboard. Before you can even step aside the person bumps in to you. Of course you fall over and the other person does the same. You see the skateboard rolling on, but when you turn your head you look into these brown shimmery eyes. 'I'm so sorry!' He quickly stands up and grabs your hand to pull you up as well. "It's okay..' You mumble, not sure what just happened. "I can't talk right now, but I'll make it up with you! come on!' The boy grabs my hand and starts running. I had to run as well or else I would fall on the floor again. Who was he.. I knew him but where from? I haven't seen his face properly because it's so dark outside, but his eyes.. I knew his eyes. Where was he gonna take me? Did I really just run away with a stranger? What was I doing. 'Here!' He quickly turns around the corner and opens the door of a small restaurant. He pulls me inside and closes the door. I blink a few time to get used to the light. 'Sorry about all this.. But I had to run away from the paparazzi." He says. I look at him and it all made sense now. 'I'm Justin by the way.' He gives me a cheeky smile. 'Yeah I know that.. Well I didn't until I saw you in the lights but yeah I know who you are and oh god I'm talking to much.' I softly bite my lip as he softly chuckles. 'Come sit..' Justin says as he leads me to a table for two. 'Why is a girl as beautiful as you outside at this time?' He sits down in front of me. 'I was going home from my work, but what in the world was you doing outside?' I pull up my eyebrow. I still couln't really believe what just happened. 'Well, I thought hey let's go out and skate for a while, because yeah it's really quite on the streets. but apparently there are still a lot of paparazzi on the streets.' He lifts his shoulders up for a while. 'Oh.. ehm yeah..' I mumble. Am I really sitting here with Justin Bieber? 'Sorry again for all this.. I mean I kinda knocked you over with my skateboard..' He tries to find eye contact but I keep looking down. 'Yeah you kinda did.' I look up but quickly look back down. Justin chuckles and grabs my chin. He slowly lifts my head and makes me look at him straight in his eyes. 'Look.. I can't stay right now, but I'll make it up to you' He says as he lets go of my chin. He grabs a napkin and a pencil. I look at how he writes something down. 'Here is my number.' He slides the napkin to my side of the table. 'What's your name by the way?' He keeps looking at you. Something in his eyes made him special. 'I eh.. (y/n)..' you smile slightly. 'alright (y/n).. Just text me your name and I'll take you out on another date.' He winks and gets up from his chair. 'I.. no no it's okay' you say quickly. 'Just do it.' He softly strokes my shoulder ones before leaving the small restaurant. 

Unusual meetingWhere stories live. Discover now