Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I walked confidently towards Pein's office. "Alright." He said as soon as Deidara entered. Sasori had gotten there before me. "I have called you here because I think that Deikara is ready for her first mission. So, you have an assassination mission. You must infiltrate a party, Deikara and Sasori, you will have to pose as a couple-" "WHAT?" Sasori and I screamed in unison. "-So that Deidara can create and explosion for a distraction. In the midst of the chaos, you two" He points at Sasori and I. "Must work together to kill your target, Rin Katanagi. You leave in two hours."

"Pein." I say. He looks up at me, signalling for me to go on. "I still don't understand why Sasori and I have to go as a couple." "Because," He says as he smirks. "I think it would be funny." His expression changes. "You have your orders. Now, go get ready." We all walked out of there stunned. "Leader-sama..." Sasori began. "Has emotions?" I finished.

"Well, that was interesting, un." My brother said. Then he looked over at me with a smile on his face. "Don't even." I growled. He held his hands up in mock surrender. "I wasn't going to do anything, yeah." I stormed off to my room to pack for the mission. I found the perfect kimono, it was dark maroon with black edging. I grabbed a pair of black flats to go with it, and put my hair up in a bun, using two chopsticks to hold it in place.

I walked out of my room only to see Sasori getting out of his room across the hall from me. He looked stunning. He was wearing a tuxedo, with a dark maroon rose on his lapel, his tousled red hair seemed to move in an imaginary breeze. He smirked at me. "When you're done drooling, I think we should be ready to go." I snapped my mouth shut and glared at him. "Oh, would you look at that." He said, eyeing my dress. "We match." With that he walked down the hall to the front foyer. I followed after, fuming.

I did a weapons check for the fifth time in a row. Well, there's nothing else to do when you're walking in a forest with two men you hate.

Are you sure you hate a certain one?
A voice in my head asked. "Shut up." I muttered. Sasori and Deidara turned to look at me as if I was crazy, but I waves it off. I get that look a lot.


When Deikara had walked out in her dress, I was stunned. Of course, that was only on the inside. I'm very good at concealing my emotions, but I can tell that Deikara isn't. Her mouth is hanging open as she takes in my outfit. I notice that her dress is the same colour as my rose and chuckle a bit.

On the walk, I can tell that she is not happy. But I keep glancing over and I can't help but notice how perfectly the dress hugs her figure, how a few strands of hair escape her bun to frame her face. How, her eyes pop with the eyeliner and mascara. I think I'm going to enjoy this mission.

Okay, Okay. I know Sasori doesn't have emotions, but poo you! Don't rain on my parade! Anyhoo yeah, sorry it's kinda short and kinda filler but hey! What can ya do?

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