XD yasss

10 1 10

Fairy: we got 3 things. First new member, only one we add who is Kity

Kity: hi!


Sans:*already regrets life*

Fairy: so Gaster Flowery and Frisk went off somewhere and there's a dare for both Chara and Sans

Chara: NOPE

Sans:*starts to walk away* nopenopenope

Kity:*gets them both back* Chara has to say his crush and Sans has to wear a maid outfit

Fairy: yep! *gives Sans his outfit* have fun

Sans:*goes unwillingly*

Chara: Ihavenocrushbye

Kity: nope

Fairy: gotta say

Chara:*deep breath* Kity *hold breath while walking away embarrassed (I'm sorry XD)*

Kity:*blush covers face*

Sans:*comes back in maid outfit regretteing life in many ways*

Gaster:*come back with others and sees Sans trying not to laugh*

Fairy:*sees them* oh hey!

Frisk:*trying hard not to laugh or smile* [what happened?]

Sans: I was dared

Me:*busts in through 4th* YES I BROKE THE 4TH WALL JUST TO SAY THIS. Sans I'm sorry *runs and fixes 4th wall*

Everyone: 0-0 ...

Flowey: wtf?

Sans: uhhhh

Me:*on other side of 4th wall* well there ya go hope ya enjoyed :33 Kity_Kaname

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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