Chapter VI

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"Do you believe in vampires?"

The words drifted into my ears.

"No. Why?" I sweat.

"Oh. I just wanted to know. You know to see if you still had that kid brain." Louis replied looking a bit nervous. He took all the plates and cups with him and went out. "Night Ni. Have a good night." He added before closing the door. I sighed going into my blankets. In all honesty, I do believe in vampires. But I don'y have that kid brain as Lou said. I don't know why I do, I just have a feeling that they are here.

I gave myself a few minutes to think. An idea came to my mind. A big thing that kept me thinking 'Why didn't I think of this earlier.' I kept it in mind and drifted off to sleep.





"Midnight memories!! Ohohohoh! Baby you and me, stumbling on the street singing singing!" My alarm clock sang as I slammed it to make it shut up. I closed my eyes again and took a five second nap till my alarm clock rang again.

"Anywhere we go never say no just do it do it--" It rang but Louis came in shutting it off.

"Urgh. You and your damn bands. I'm done with it. Niall! Wake up." He grunted. I yawned climbing out of bed. I walked into my washroom and looked into my mirror. To my surprise I looked like a prostitute done giving a blowjob to a man who like it rough. I blinked and saw that I bad some kind of.. bruise.. or hickey on my neck. I don't remember this being there. I ignored it and got ready.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my lunch from the fridge as Louis waited for me at the door. I wiped my eyes but by the minute I went past him he grabbed my shirt and pulled be closer to see my neck.

"Is this a rash?" He questioned rubbing it with his finger.

"Yeah..I don't know why I have it." I lied. Louis took my backpack away and went out the door.

"You're not going to school with that before we get to the bottom of this! It might be infection!" He worried. I went out with him and we went into his car then we made our way to the doctors.


"So you've said you haven't seen this before you've gone to sleep Mr. Niall?" The doctor asked checking the red mark on my neck.

"Yeah. I'm 100 percent sure of this doctor." I assured.

"I'm sorry, but this is no rash and or infection. This is a bite mark of some kind of creature." He hesitated fixing his glasses.

"It's not a human's bite? How are you sure it's not just a insect bite or something?" I stuttered.

"I've inspected it Mr. Niall. This is not a bite that any insect can do." The doctor said in a really serious, but confused voice. "All you can do is wait for the redness to fade. Have yourself a good day now." He added before rushing out.


"Remember to check up on that thing on your neck to see if things start to change!" Louis smiled patting my head and running off to some of his friends. By the time we came back to school it was lunch. I still had that question in my head. I want to save it for later though. But now I have to find Zayn. I looked around and he was no where to be found, not even that corner place he usually sits in. I groan and thought, maybe he didn't want to come to school. Or maybe he's grounded. I went to get a book in my locker and pulled up my sleeves. They've completely healed. I grunted and looked around to see if there is any people around. Luckily there weren't so I grabbed out my blade from a pocket of my bag. I laid my hand still on in the locker and held the blade closer. But before it cut into me a hand grabbed my arm. It took my blade away and I had the audacity to turn around to see the person. Wow my night in shining armour. Urgh, Zayn, of course.

"Did you plan to put yourself in danger without my consent?" He snickered. I shook my head and slammed my locker closed.

"What's next?" I grumbled. "You know with the lessons of your bff, death."

"You're willing to continue?" He smirked.

"Yes, but you have to tell me if it's dangerous or not." I mumbled.

"Sure I will. Now come on with me, we will be going to the city." He said calmly.

"But Zayn we have school right now." I said.

"Not for me, my mother called in saying I was sick, but I'm not now so I just sneaked in here to check up on you." He smirked grabbing his phone dialing some numbers. "Well now for you.." He waited for the phone to ring and started talking and sounding like mum "Hello! Mrs.Tomlinson calling in for Niall Tomlinson. He's had the stomach flu for a few hours so he can't attend school.--- Okay, thanks." I blink in unbelief and stared at him awkwardly. He just smiled gently as we go out the building


We were in the town, sadly we had to walk because apparently Zayn's car is too precious for him to use on this occasion. We were walking to some place that Zayn said was cool. It felt like we've been walking for hours... But in reality it's just been around 30 minutes. Zayn seemed really calm during this whole thing. He doesn't seem tired. A group of bikers suddenly came closer. They did not look friendly at all. I hid behind Zayn because I didn't want to die first. Zayn gave them a stare and they backed off for some reason. I tried to ignore that. We crossed the road when all of a sudden a truck almost hit us. But Zayn was there to push me out of the way.

"Was that planned?" I asked kind of laughing a bit.

"No. Not at all." He replied helping me get up. We got up to this hill which luckily didn't have a cliff. Zayn pulled out some kind of sandwich and gave it to me. I nodded to tell him thank you.

But I didn't plan on eating. I was way to tired to even eat. I ended up looking at him nervously.

"Zayn can I ask you something?" I said quietly.

"Anything." He replied. I rubbed the back of the head and breathed in heavily.

"I know this might sound cliché." I started. "But are you a vampire?"


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