Alternate ending part2

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Ten years later

Sams pov

"Harold Edward Styles you put her down now!" I yelled, sometimes I swear I'm dealing with grown children "buuuttt saaammmm" he whined "yeah mom leave us alone!" My daughter yelled, let's back up so at One Direction last concert zayn asked me to marry him, I said yes of course, we had an amazing wedding in which Louis was my 'man of honor' and 10 years later we have a 9 year old daughter Juliet Lou Malik after my best friend and big brother Louis Tomlinson of course. The other boys never married but Louis has a little baby, Liam is engaged, and Niall and Louis both did solo albums, Liam is a producer and Harry runs a record company. After momma Tomlinson passed Louis and I were pretty mess up but a beautiful song came from it, we both had lyrics tattooed from it on out sides, Niall is still single but as I always thought Harry and Louis Got together and it's amazing, some fans weren't to happy but that's ok. Anyway back to our story

"I said no you could get hurt" I said and walked away, I swear her and uncle Harry will be the death of me, today Zayn is at the studio with Niall and Louis working on a song that Liam is producing so it's just Harry Juliet and I (yay -_-) " come on Sam let us play!" Harry yelled I sighed "no you're way to tall to be jumping with her on your shoulders like that Harry" I said he pouted and left. Finally quiet.

"Ahhhhh mommy" I ran upstairs to see Harry in a purple princess dress that was wayyy to small and my little girl dress in in a pink one cowering in the corner "what now!?" I asked all they did was cry and point at a spider on the tea set "we're trying to have a tea party and that thing ruins it" Harry pouted like a child after killing the spider and fixing the tea party her and Harry continued.

"Honey we're home" my man yelled from the door, we all live together now in a huge house "kitchen" I yelled back. The other boys went to join the tea party while I talked to my honey "hey can we talk" Zayn asked I nodded a little worried "I just wanted to say how much I fucking love you babe you're my world you and Juliet and i dont know what I'd be without you two" he said I cried looking at him "it's ok baby you have me forever" I kissed him passionately.

A few moment later Louis asked me to the back yard for a smoke (I could go for one of them) I thought "Sam" he said smiling as we lay on our backs in the grass smoking "you're my best friend, you helped me so much when mom died Sammy and god I just love you so much. You accepted me when I came out and you love me no matter what I don't know what i would have done if I lost you 11 years ago and I'm so fucking happy I didn't" he said looking over at me crying and smiling, I had tears pouring down my face as I hugged my best friend.

I have my happily ever after with the man of my dreams, and the best friend/ big brother ever, all thanks to a wrong text.

Well that's that guys that's then unofficial official end of Texting One Direction, I truly hope you like it. Share with your friends and vote for the story don't forget to comment.

Much love

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