The Day Trip.

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"Come on, Chopper~! Get in the car, boy~!" Thatch coos softly but the dog just stares up at him rather than following the instructions. Not that it's a rare occurrence, Chopper usually only listens to Ace, Sabo or Luffy.

Thatch, not so much. Probably because whenever Thatch gets him into the car, it's usually a trip to the vets. "Take your time, Chopper. We've got all day, really." The brunette mutters sarcastically, a pout engraving itself into his features whilst him and Chopper have what seems to be, a staring contest.

He's definitely no dog whisperer. 

"Come on boy~!" Sabo chimes as he passes Thatch and climbs over the door into the passenger seat, Thatch's car roof down since it's a nice day today. Naturally Chopper follows Sabo's lead without a second thought.

The dog jumping into the back and sitting himself perfectly on the right-hand side, giving you, Marco and Ace plenty of room to spare. Luffy had decided he's not coming because this Jewelry Bonney girl he's made friends with recently has invited him to an eating contest.

I'm sure that will have an interesting result. 

"Screw you too then, Chopper!" Thatch chuckles, vigorously shaking his head before his dark orbs drift up to you and Marco. "You'll have to sit on Marco's lap, is that okay?"


"Oh? Why did I feel like this ride is going to get heated~?" Ace teases playfully, clearly he's been told about you and Marco already. The raven-haired male climbing into the middle backseat and beginning to pester Sabo immediately, poking the blonde in the back of the head. "Why do you get to sit up front?" 

Next Marco gets in beside Ace, allowing you to sit in his lap before he wraps his arms around you. Thankfully, the police force aren't so serious around here anymore, not since Akainu had been promoted to a different town. Sure they're still good, they just don't waste their time on the more minor things like they used to. 

Thatch finally getting into the car and starting the engine. You're admittedly rather excited for this, you hadn't had a ride in Thatch's car while the roof is down before. Usually, it's too cold, too rainy or too dark outside to enjoy the experience. 

Your arms wrapping around Marco's neck as you play with the blonde's hair and your eyes watching Ace as he shockingly shares his food...but only with the dog. The freckled boy eating a chip before feeding one to Chopper, then getting another for himself. This pattern seems to repeat several times before the packet is empty.

Well, at least Chopper's living the lap of luxury.  

You seem to be traveling straight toward the sandy mountains on the outskirts of town. A smirk etching into your lips as you glance down at Marco, the man seemingly distracted by the view himself. 

How cute~

Leaning in, you plant a soft kiss on his temple while he's distracted. The blonde looking up at you once you pull away with a sweet smile gracing his lips. "You like it up here yoi~?" He purrs, his arms tightening around you a little as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.

Your body instantly relaxing into his, it feels good to be in his arms and to have him inhaling your scent. Who would have thought this cheeky prankster would be so affectionate deep down? And in front of his brothers!

"Ah, jeez. I'm third-wheeling." You hear Ace chuckle cheerfully from beside you both, the boy using one of his hands to cover up Chopper's eyes while the other covers his own. "Don't look boy, it's sin~!"

Damn goon, Ace.

"You wanna slow down up here, Thatch. There's a nasty speed bump." Sabo warns, your attention being drawn to him. And apparently Marco's too, a chill grazing your neck as the older blonde looks up at his brothers, his eyes scanning the road ahead.

And there's the bump Sabo mentioned. "Like right here, just slo--N-NO! DON'T SPEED UP!" Sabo yelps, the boy visibly tensing as he clutches onto the passenger's door with one hand, the other clinging onto the dashboard as the car picks up pace to about 80 miles per hour. "THATCH!"

Yep, we're gonna die!

The car hitting the bump at full force and lifting high off the ground. Instantly, your arms tighten around Marco in fear while the brother holds onto you with his bad arm, the cast might just prevent you from flying out of his lap after all. His other hand gripping onto the seat in front of him for support.

The car landing harshly on the ground after what feels like forever in the air and swerving out of control, everyone screaming out in panic as Thatch slams down the brakes. Although, they're not doing anything to stop the car from going crazy.

Eventually it stops after spinning several times and scaring the absolute hell out of everybody. Ace protectively holding onto Chopper. And you're still clutched to Marco. Poor Sabo completely frozen in his seat, his shoulders tensed up to his ears as his eyes slowly trail over to Thatch.

Of course, that guy is as calm as ever. The brunette snickering with his hands still firmly on the wheel, his face only slightly paled. Still looks like a person though, which is more than what can be said for everyone else. 

We all look as white as sheep right now!

"That was a bit scary, huh~?" Thatch chuckles merrily, running a hand through his hair and earning himself a pointed glare from both Ace and Sabo. Marco seemingly calm though, the blonde just chuckling as he drags his hand down his face.

"Just a bit yoi~!"

"What part of slow down didn't you quite comprehend?!" Sabo now barks, his muscles only just deciding to relax as Ace leans forward to join the conversation up front, his eyes filled with a fiery stare.

"You could've killed Chopper, you psychopath!" Ace blurts, only causing Thatch to chuckle some more, the brunette circling the car back onto the road. You're not particularly angry with him though, just relieved that the car didn't flip over or hit something.

The brunette still getting a lecture from the younger brothers but not listening to any of it, his eyes skimming the sandy mountains off to the side. "Let's visit the cliffs~!" He exclaims, silencing both Ace and Sabo as the two pout, clearly not happy that they're being ignored.

You can't help but smile at the idea however, that sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. Marco grinning at plan himself as he leans forward so that Thatch can hear him. "Let's go then yoi! It beats ramping speed bumps~!"

Well, that's true.

"Yeah, we'll get a cute picture of the perfect couple while we're there too~" 


"Couple?" Sabo echos with wide eyes, his head whipping round to face you and Marco, a grin spreading across his lips gradually. "Wait, really? That's awesome! They finally got together~!"

Looks like we're shipped.

"Yeah, it only took them...what, three years~?" Ace adds tauntingly, Marco giving him the middle finger while the other brothers chuckle at the teasing comment. Trolls, all of them. Although, he isn't wrong...this crush has been going on for almost four years now.

He may have just been worth the wait though.

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