A life for a life

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I woke up chai ed to a wall. The room was filtered red. I looked to my left to see i terrorising man in my face. Breathing heavy on me, eyes bulging, this was no man. I turned away tryi g to forget tha face but he hurried along to the other side. If i was t chai ed i would run for it. But run where? I dont even know where i am.


The ground shook and the troll looking demon ran or tried to run. I tall slender man grabbed him by his red ruff skin. He chucks the creature to the wall and then faces me. He smiles. But i see the evil in his eyes. He walks towards me and then bends down to my level. A tear starts to drip from the corner of my eye.

"Dont cry dear," he says pouting. Then wipes the tear from my face. "Im here to help you."

My eyebrows narrow and his fin lips form that evil smile again. He stands up, pacing the room.

"Sorry about that," he says pointing at the monster "trolls cant be trusted with the new souls, i should of thought about letting him near you before... Well... It doesn't matter. Anyways lets get to the point"

I must be dreaming. Everything seems real but not realistic. I know there is no such thing as a troll but everything seems like its actually happening and that i am actually in this situation. The situation i dont want to be in. Im locked up by chained in a small box room with dark red lighting and a tall evil looking man looking down on me. What worries more is what is this point he wants to make? And where is Brooklyn? Is he safe?

"Can you remember where you was before here?"

The man says stopping his pacing. He stares at me long and deep when he asks this question. Of course i remember where i was. I was coming to get Brooklyn home! But no, i find him lifeless, bleeding on the floor. I dont want to remember the site i saw before i came here but i do. And guilt fills me. Before i found Brooklyn, before he left and didnt answer my calls, we had an argument. I know that having an argument with him is never a good idea. It sends him crazy and then he does crazy things. Like what he did do. Or what louis did? I nodd back to the man forgetting that he had asked a question about two or three minutes ago. He smiles again.

"Good," he pauses for a moment, that moment was one of my last normal moments. "Brooklyn is his name isnt it? Well he's dead. Stone dead. But not here, here he will rot and work for me as a slave. However he could return back to what you call life and not remember what happened that night. Also g as you do me a favour"

Where am i?!? Am i dead!?! Is this all one big game!?! I try and calm myself down and think about what he said. Brooklyn rot and be a slave. Over my dead body! Wait...i am already dead, well i think. I will do anything for him for him to be alive. Anything! I gulp a load of saliva and then nod yes again.

"I want your soul"

He whispers. It echoes around the room. Everything feels like it is closing in on me and my heart feels like it has stopped. I gasp for air. Everything is spinning and his loud laugh echoes the room along with i want your soul. I feel like im gonna be sick. The room is silent. I cant see a thing my vision is blurry and sweat is running down my forehead. My heart is beating again thank god!

He is in my face. That scares me more than the troll. I see my scared reflection in his iris. I look a mess.

"Your going to give me your soul arent you!"

I breathe in slowly from my nose a d then shake my head no.


He starts to punch the walls. Im going to die i can see my own death coming. I dont want it to end like this. The room yet again becomes silent. And then he turns to me. He smiles more evil than last time. He looks like a killer thats found his victim and is ready to attack. My eyes widen and the sweat comes streaming from everywhere. He clicks his fingers and the room is black for a second or two but then its back to the dark red colour. I look to my side to see Brooklyn. His body isnt lifeless. He is a live! But hes week very week. I can hear his scared breathing. He doesn't move. I dont think he can. More tears run down my face. I try to reach out to him but the chains are pulling me back.

"You see this?! I thought you would do anything for him"

I look back at the man. Who has losses his killer smile but has replaced it with a line. A dull line across his face.

"I will do anything for him!"

I shout, letting the tears run. I struggle,trying to get to him, my love.

"Then give me your soul, he will be alive, healthy. Is t that what you want?"

I nodd and then everything feels like its being sucked i to a vacuumed. I see my own soul leave my body and suck into his palms. Everything's go black. Everything goes silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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