Chapter 4

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Jason's POV:

Well that was a little strange. And i've seen some strange things before. I knew that Leo and Nico have gotten closer since we've come back from closing the Doors of Death, but now they are running off together? I definitely have some questions later, for the both of them. But I'll let it off for now, because i know Nico has a ... thing for Leo. When Nico and I went to talk to Cupid, I found out that Nico had a crush on Percy when he was younger, but he assured me that he was over Percy now. I can see now that he definitely is, and he's moved on to the joker of the group. Plus, it's a little obvious, I only ever see Nico smiling when he's with Leo, and it's incredible how much that smile can change him, it just brightens up his features. He truly does look happier, I just hope Leo never has to hurt him, because that kid has been in enough pain for a life time. Losing his sister, his mother, having fell into Tartarus itself and only just making it out alive, and having a physco father, who's the God of the Underworld, who Nico always tries so hard to impress.

Percy and Annabeth had left a few moments ago, after we all stared off at Nico and Leo, Annabeth claimed that she was going to help Percy train, and she led him off. So now it was just me and Piper. She looked at me for a few moments, not saying a world, it was like she knew I was hiding something from her, I mean I wish I could tell her, but I promised Nico I wouldn't. No matter how hard it can be to keep that secret. Nico shouldn't be embaressed about it, there are so many people like him in the world, and he shouldn't be ashamed of how he is.


I look to Piper, here it comes she's going to ask if I know anything, and I'm going to have no choice but to tell her, cause if I don't she'll charmspeak me to.

"Yeah Pipes?" I ask casually.

"Do you know what that was about?"

I hesitate a moment, should I say something, or should I lie? I hate lying to Piper. But she's going to find out either way, whether I give in, or she charmspeaks it out of me. I sigh.

"You do! Please tell me." She exclaims.

"I want to Piper but I promised Nico I wouldn't say anything. He'll kill me if he knows I told you, and I mean literally that kid can be scary when he wants to be."

"Please, I swear on the River styx I won't tell anybody. Maybe I can help."

I sigh. "Okay, but please don't say anything."

She nods, waiting for me to continue.

"You know how Nico and I went to see Cupid?" She nods again.

"Well we had a very umm... interesting conversation with Cupid, and I sorta found someting out about Nico." I pause a moment, then continue, "I found out that when Nico was younger, when he first met Percy, he had a crush on him... But he assured me he was over that, he said he was young and didn't know better. And now, Nico has ummm .... developed a new liking for someone else."

Of course the Aphrodite in her has gotten her excited, when you mention relationships,she all in for help. "OMG really??? Wait who does Nico like now?" I stare at her while i let her try and figure it out. Then something clicks inside her and she knows "Leo!" I reach over and cover her mouth with my hand "Shhh!" I look around a couple heads have turned our way, and I look back to Piper and say quietly, "please don't say anything." She rolls her eyes, I uncover her mouth, "why hasn't he told anyone yet?" she whispers.

"He said he just doesn't want anyone knowing, he thinks everyone will judge him if they ever found, to me there's nothing wrong with it, I don't see why he's so scared. I just wish he wasn't so ashamed, I wish he'd open and know that I won't change on how we feel about him." Piper just nods, "I agree there is nothing wrong with it, I actually think it's sweet that he likes Leo, I think Leo would be good for him, he helps bring out in Nico, I mean he actually knows how to smile! It's amazing!" I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

"But i just really hope that if Leo ever found out he won't hurt Nico, Nico's been through so much, he doesn't need to lose Leo too. It would crush him..." I trail off. Piper assures me though "don't worry, Leo wouldn't do that to Nico, I don't think Leo would ever be that cruel, the worst he could do is make a sarcastic comment about."

I stand from the Hades table following where Nico and Leo went, "wait Jason, where are you going?" Piper yells. I turn around and grin "to talk some sense into that kid!" I turn back around and head to the arena, where both boys went. A moment later Piper is at my side. "Then I'm coming to, if Nico gets made, I'll just tell him I charmspoke you to tell me." I'm not sure what to say so i don't say anything at all and continue to the training arena.

When we reach the door to the arena I stop Piper and listen, It quiet, are they even in there? Did I mistake where they went? But then I can just hear Nico whisper the words "thank you," I glance over at Piper who looks eager to go inside, and start going all Aphrodite on them. I open the door up just a little, only enough to see Nico and Leo standing in the middle of the arena hugging. I can't but smile at them. Leo truly does make Nico happy, it couldn't be any other way. Piper glances over my shoulder into the arena and smiles. I shut the arena door and turn around and smile at Piper. "That was so cute!" she exclaims. I can't help but agree.

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