chapter one

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"I can do this. I can do this. I can do this!"

"Meow", Daisy looks up at me.
"What are you meowing about, I'm worried about this damn interview and you meowing isn't helping me out".

Daisy, my ginger cat, looks into my eyes then runs off under my desk. I turn my attention away from where her head is poking out and look at myself in the mirror one last time.

"I can do this".

Today is the day, the day I'm hoping will change my life for the better. Why, you might ask, because today is the day I'm going to start my new job at a very high end company. One I have dreamed about for as long as I can remember. Well... first I have to nail this interview, then I'll have my dream job.

I'm dressed in a simple black pencil skirt with a cream coloured blouse. I have a matching black blazer, and a bag filled with almost anything you can think of. We females don't know the meaning of a small purse, we have gigantic handbags... you name it, its in there. I sling my bag over my shoulder, take one last look in the mirror and head to the front door.
"Goodbye Daisy, wish me luck!"
I blow her a kiss and I'm out the door.
I. Can. Do. This.

I drive my Mazda 3 into the city, taking in the outdoor surroundings. The traffic isn't so bad today, although it is only 7:03am. My interview isn't until 10:00am. I know, I know, I'm a time freak. I have to give myself more than enough time to get from point A to point B. I continue to drive along the highway and wonder what the interview will be like. What will I be asked? Who will be interviewing me? Will there be more than one person? Oh gosh, double the pressure. I can do this; I know I can. I can see it now, driving to work everyday, dressed in my business attire, hair pulled back in a sophisticated way and a huge smile on my face. Sitting in my office, having my assistant bring me a coffee then going over my schedule for the week, planning business trips all over the world, doing whatever I can to benefit the company. Yes, this is what I want, I can do this!

I pull into the company car park and park my car into one of the available spaces. I grab my handbag, lock my car and head up the elevator onto the ground floor. I exit the building onto the busy street where everyone is rushing to work. 7:56am, plenty of time to grab to a coffee and a bite to eat. I wonder the streets looking for a café, hoping they sell a decent cup of coffee. Across the street is a small business which doesn't seem too busy. I wait, then cross the road and make my way toward the café. "EMILY'S", is a small café. The inside is brightly lit and homey, the menu caters to breakfast and lunch and the staff seem friendly.
"Hi, what would you like to order?" I look down at her name tag, Sarah. What a pretty name.
"Hi, can I please get a large cap with two sugars and a ham and cheese croissant".
"Eat in or take away?" she asks politely.

"Eat in please", I respond.

"That'll be $7.50. Take this number and sit anywhere you like; we'll bring out your order to you". Sarah smiles and points to the empty tables in the café.

I tap my key card, take the number and sit on a two-person table in the back corner. I pull out my IPad, (yes it fits in my handbag) and begin to go over the practice questions I have written for myself.
"Tell me about yourself."
"What do you know about this company."

"Why do you want to work for us?"

"What are you strong points?"

I read over my answers and begin to calm down.

After a short while, one of the waitresses brings over my coffee and croissant. I take a small bite then blow onto the mug and sip my coffee. For the first time in my life, my tongue is not burnt by the first sip. I take a mental note to continue coming here if I get this job. When, not if. I will get this position.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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