Chapter 1: What's Needed may Not be Found

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"Hey Blayze! Follow me!" "I don't Know about this brooklyn, what's so cool that you need to show me?" I chased after Brooklyn, as a kid that was usually what you did,ran around chasing people and dreams that may never happen. That was because it made all of the worries seem pointless , and it made everything seem cool. "Ok Blayzie, now to show you my magical powers" she gave me a smirk and bursted into a little giggle " blayzie you look so funny right now!" I cocked my head to the right a bit, and replied nonchalantly " well your being silly brooklyn! You don't have magic and your in a puddle!" she chuckled , stopped and smirked. She started to spin, I saw her legs turn blue like water, I turned away for a quick second when I herd an arrow being shot, and when I turned back I witnessed the arrow going right through Brooklyn's head and her crashing down in the now deep red puddle. I tried to run to my mother as fast as I could, trying to think right, was that supposed to happen? I didn't know what to do, my eyes kept going blurry, suddenly I felt a sharp pain go through my back and I collapsed. I saw no blood, but I did see my mother running towards me and black pants and a tail dangle in front of me,

and I herd a man say " I'm his...." and my mind went blank.

3 Months later:

I woke up about 3 hours after I collapsed and I awoke in my home, and I can only recall minor things from that day. But Today I'm dressed in black and my eyes will be watery as I watch them carry Brooklyn's casket. It has butterfly's on it, she told me that she wanted that last year, when we where silly little 4 year olds. Its beautiful, like she was. A man walked up as they lowered her and said "one thing I' d like to say about my little girl is that... Well" he started to cry, her dad was the strongest person and he cried " I know that brooklyn was a sweet and kind girl. She believed in fairy tales and magic as girls do, and she always lit up, she was just perfect" he gave a small smile, and looked up " I know she's probably dancing with fairy's right now, thank you all for coming". He rushed away to his wife, hugging her and wiping away her tears. I decided then that I would only believe in reality, f

antasy is meant for dreams and children...And Brooklyn, but not for me.

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