Chapter 2: being clueless is OK sometimes

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10 Years Later...

"So,what do ya want now lover boy. Finally wanna date me Blayze?" " What?! No! Not what I was going to say Finn! I was asking if you know where Nadia is!" " Sure ya do, well she is talking to Pearl in the main hallway" I started to turn, and quickly turned my head to thank him " Thanks man, talk to you later" he waved and returned a grin with a attempted wink.   " sure thing lover boy", I ran towards the main hallway downstairs so that I can speak to Nadia, my crush, my dream I guess you could put it. Finn was just a friend, my best friend actually. I've known him since I was 7, he was the one that helped me get over brooke and I was the first one he 'came out of the closet too' and I turned out to be his crush. He knows all of my stories and I know all of his, mainly because we have been there for each other for almost every single one, making me like him as a friend all the more. I do like him that way a bit, but not enough to date, and if we ever did, how would our friendship be if we broke up or if it didn't work? I could never do that to Finn. Anyway, Im almost at the main hallway, Nadia is my real dream love, not Finn. I finally arrived at the end of the main hall, and I hid behind a locker and whispered what I was planning on asking. " So Nadia, how about you and... No,no that sounds like a retard tryin to be cool, hey Nadia, I was wondering if... Yes that'll work I guess kinda desperate but OK." I turn around and I see nadia glistening in the small light from the window, showing her utter perfection. She was talking to Pearl, her 9th grade sister, she was still a little tot in this school, I had to do a small chuckle and listen in on what they could be talking about..." Nadia... This isnt like you, you cant show anyone... That. You will be killed by the council, and mother! You can never trust a wild Pixie!! They are always after the innocent to do the work of evil" I was lost, Pixies?! Come on, she isn't 2 " shut up Pearl, you know nothing, we have a monster living in this school that you know could destroy a Nymph if given the chance. His father is a bluecap for crying out loud! A bad fairy!    " A bluecap is not evil! You are my dear sister! You listen to that stupid pixie Camile and you begin to trust her over your sister! You need to learn who to trust" "... I trust experience over blood, Sister." i covered my mouth as Nadia stormed off. Pearl went to her locker and closed it slowly and fell to cry, and I worked on instinct and rushed over. I tried to ask what was wrong and she just turned away "Pearl, what's going on" I Turned her head to face me " I can help you" " Who cant you help... Blayze, this is something you can't... Wait a minute" she gets up very suddenly and pulls out a shell from her pocket and whispers, but I cant hear a word. She walks over to me again " Blayze,thanks for being kind., but you cant fix my troubles, or Nadia's for that matter. So please just go home, schools over...why are you still here anyway?" I bit my lip " Blayze, my sister is too out of state to go to a silly dance with you, besides, you have things you need to understand first..." she turned abd walked past me to go up stairs on the other half of the school, probably to stay away from her sister. I followed, in a way,till we reached the main door. I took a sharp left and started to walk home when I saw a little pink mist following me, it shimmered. I spoke quietly but irritated  "Probably just some joke or childrens toy, you ain't fooling me Pearl"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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