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"You're going to be so dead when I see you." Soojung muttered to the phone in her hand a frown had already made its way onto her face after she read the text message her so-called friend sent minutes before.

It was a long message written in all-caps no doubt filled with all the words synonyms to, I'm sorry, and the small sentence at the end stating that Soojung had to walk back to the apartment. She huffed in annoyance hands reached upwards to rake her long hair back, she had been leaning against the school gates for the past hour and in her mind she cursed Luna for the sudden ditch.

The skies were dark the last ounce of light from the sunset fading, shaking her head in irritation she starts walking down the street giving up on waiting for the bus. The streets weren't unfamiliar but she had hardly walk through the roads at night and the lack of light was making everything seem eerie. The streets were empty yet Soojung couldn't shoot down the feeling of being watched, looking backwards she spots a hunched over figure just a few feet behind her.

After a few streets down she could still sense the same figure following her and this time she was sure. Making a turn into a nearby alley she sped up but so did the sound of footsteps bounding towards her.

"You have got to be kidding me." She hisses underneath her breath when she hits a dead end, the figure was approaching slowly and making weird noises underneath their breaths. Soojung grips the pepper spray bottle in her bag putting on a defensive stance, "Okay I don't know who you are but stay back." She says angrily at the man, approaching closer Soojung could feel her entire body freeze. His eyes, were blood red like wine the velvet color so unhumane. Fear crept up and she struggle to keep the frighten sound from escaping her throat. She forgotten about the pepper spray and every single nerve in her body was paralyzed by the stare, it was monstrous and she could only helplessly stand there.

The man walked closer and she could see the cold amuse smile on his face. It was one of hunger and delight, for a moment Soojung's life flashed before her eyes. Would she be listed as missing, her body never found? At her funeral would they dress her up with a purple dress along with an ugly shade of lipstick, she thought to herself instantly regreting it.

The man was getting closer and she could smell his breath It was a rusty metallic blood smell and she had the urge to retch on the ground but she was still mesmerize by his eyes. A sick thought filled her, what exactly was he?

Opening his mouth revealing two sharp pointy teeth he lunges at her and she finally omits a scream. Putting her hands up in front of her face she waits for the pain come. But instead she hears a struggle and growls, slowly rising her head up she looks at the scene in front of her. There were two figures moving so fast they were like a blur that occasionally slowed down to match par. But within minutes the man was put down as he released a scream and dissolved into dust.

Still crouched on the ground Soojung stares up at the newly arrived stranger taking him in. His hair was a slightly ruffled mess its darkness matching with the night's sky, his eyes gleamed inhumanly red like wine but the most important characteristic that made Soojung freeze from fear was the two sharp fangs protruding from his mouth dripping with blood.

Wordlessly he examined what remained of the fallen man wiping his mouth with his arm in disgust he kicks the ashes scattering it murmmering a curse. Pulling out his cell phone he dialed a number and Soojung immediately got a brighter and clearer look at his face, he was handsome, inhumanely handsome that Soojung let out a gasp. The man looked at her his phone dropping to his side as he examined her, suprise that she was there.

He walked towards her stooping down at her level, Soojung can see his features more clearly their faces inches apart that it was making her feel uncomfortable. "Did you get bit?" His voice was cold-like and emotionless and she blinked at his question confused. Letting out a deep sigh he pull closer brushing her hair aside and she shivered as his cold fingers came in contact with her bare neck. She wasn't sure why she let him continue on perhaps it was fear stopping her but her logical side kicked in immediately and she shoved him hard.

Stumbling backward in suprise Soojung got up immediately prepare to take flight. "Sta-ay away from m-e." She stammered out hating how her voice tremble slightly in front of the guy. He glared at her calculatively with those red eyes and before she could move he had pushed her up against the uneven brick wall eyes burning into hers and for a moment Soojung felt a tugging in her mind.

He was doing something to her, "You're going to forget everything that had happened tonight." He began to say his voice filled with calmness but Soojung felt anything but calm, Oh hell no dude I am not gonna forget anything, she thought internally. She couldn't see his face clearly but using her intution she mentally prepared herself, "You're going to walk home and- ah!" He hissed out in pain dropping to the ground furiously grabbing his eyes.

Without looking back Soojung ran as fast as she could discarding the pepper spray bottle behind hearing a light thud. The man was still yelling in pain his hands clawing at his eyes while letting out a string of curses that she didn't want to stay and hear. Getting out of the dark alley she could hear dark growls and a faint voice saying, "Kai are you okay?" behind her but she didn't bother to stop. With one intention in mind she ran letting her legs take her away from that place. Before she knew it she had arrived back at her apartment and urgently unlocks the door, pushing inside breathless.

Still catching her breath she did not notice her roommate sitting on the couch in the living room with company before she turned around to see them.

"Oh Soojung you're back." Luna remarked in surprise untangling herself from the guy on the couch and lets out an awkward laugh. The guy looks at her lazily and winks a small shiver running down her back. She wished she had another bottle of pepper spray bottle to aim at this guy and lecture Luna but she was too tired.

Giving her roommate one last look she wordlessly ran up to her room her entire body shaking once the door shut. Her mind was filled with a million different thoughts and none of it made any sense to her.

What had she seen? Who were they?

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