Chapter 4:

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Apollo stopped outside of the alley that Elsa had showed them before, turning to watch as Morgan came puffing up to him. The winded mage gasped for breath for several seconds before swatting Apollo's arm. "What was that for?" Apollo demanded.

"You ... have too ... long ... legs," Morgan panted. "Can't you ... slow down?"

"We're here anyway," Apollo answered, choosing to ignore his friend's complaints. "Here's hoping that the dark wizards haven't approached Elsa yet ..."

Morgan went into the alley first, lighting his hand up with a fireball. Apollo felt something prickling at the back of his neck, almost like a foul breeze. His head jerked up. "Morgan, watch out!"

Apollo's warning came just a moment too late. A line of darkness flew out of the alleyway and wrapped around Morgan's ankles, slowly moving up his body and binding him effectively. Apollo stood, his eyes wide. "Do something!" Morgan yelled, panicking.

The shadowy ropes were at Morgan's chest before Apollo finally recovered enough to grab his staff. By the time Apollo had pointed his staff at Morgan, the ropes were around the mage's neck, choking him. His green eyes were wide as the breath was choked from his lungs. Still the shadows were moving up towards his face.

A bright flash of light hit the mage, momentarily dispelling the ropes. They seemed to sense that the healer was their greater threat and they turned, wrapping around Apollo's wrists. He tried not to panic as the shadows started to wrap around him.

Morgan was rubbing his neck with one hand and trying to get his spell book out of his cape with the other. "Ideas?" he asked.

"Light," Apollo answered, focusing on channeling his magic into his staff. "Use light!"

Morgan gripped the book and closed his eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration. Apollo held his staff so hard, he thought it might snap beneath the force of his grasp. Blinding light flared from the white staff, and a bonfire's worth of flames roared out of Morgan's book as he dropped it.

The shadows dissipated, releasing Apollo from their painful grasp. He gasped for breath, scowling at the rope marks on his arms. "Oww. Seems that someone knew we were coming."

Morgan picked up his spell book, wincing as the hot book burned his fingers. "I hate rushed spells," he muttered, replacing the book in his pocket. "What are the odds that we'll find Elsa down there?"

"None," Apollo answered honestly. "If someone laid a trap for us, they already got what they wanted. But it can't hurt to check." Replacing his staff in the cradle on his back, he started moving briskly down the alley. Morgan hurried to follow him.

Thankfully, there were no other traps waiting for them. At the end of the alley, where the Silvereyes had made their home, a girl was stretched out on the ground, unconscious. Apollo went to her side, kneeling down and feeling her neck. "Is she alive?" Morgan asked.

"I already knew she was," Apollo said. "I was feeling this. Here, have a look."

Morgan knelt beside him and felt her neck. He recoiled instantly. "It's one of those devil ropes!" he said.

"I was right," Apollo said quietly. "Elaine was a hostage. She still is. Do you have enough energy to dispel this rope as well?"

Morgan shrugged. "Can't hurt to try."

With their combined efforts, the two men removed the rope from around Elaine Silvereye's neck. Morgan slouched back, brushing his hair off his forehead. "I'm starving," he muttered.

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