Character Sketch

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Setting: A fictional college named St.Louis Private Academy, where the richest kids attend school along with scholarship students who hail from middle class families.  Because of this status difference, the college is divided into two groups, the Elite Crew, which consists of the rich kids, and LA Underdogs (LA means Louis Academy), which is a collection of the less privileged students.  EC (Elite Crew) is very popular in their school, and are idolized but LAU are not really paid attention to.  The people in LAU share a great bond with each other and keep to their gang mostly.  Everyone is in their last year of College. 

Siddharth Nigam as Siddharth Shekhawat- Leader of the Elite Crew

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Siddharth Nigam as Siddharth Shekhawat- Leader of the Elite Crew.  He is a ruthless and aggressive guy, hates the sight of couples.  He never smiles or laughs, always walking around with a poker face and even anger at times.  Everyone knows him as the victim of a failed love life, as its heard that his girlfriend left him along with another guy, who used to be his best friend.  

Jannat Zubair Rahmani as Anya Rajput- the topper, Anya is a middle class girl who only falls in loves with books

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Jannat Zubair Rahmani as Anya Rajput- the topper, Anya is a middle class girl who only falls in loves with books.  She is a typical book worm, who hates  attention.  She is the only daughter of a struggling writer who is also a single mother.  She has managed to hide behind the curtains for the past 2 years and wishes to finish this year the same way.  But life has other plans for her as she becomes the center of Elite Crew's and Underdogs' controversy.

  But life has other plans for her as she becomes the center of Elite Crew's and Underdogs' controversy

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