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    When I sat down I opened my backpack and pull out the book, Me Being Me is Just as Insane as You Being You, opening it on the page I last left off.
    When the plane is about to lift off, the girl next to me tuned to me, "Is it ok if I talk to you? I'm nervous," she asks me kindly, her hands shaking uncontrollably. "Sure. Go ahead, I know how you're feelin'." I tell her honestly. She nods appreciatively, "I'm Jacy," she says, holding out her hand.
    "I'm Emeili." I say, taking her hand and shaking it. "Ummm. I really love YouTube." Jacy says while a grin slowly beginning to form. "Same! Who's your favorite YouTuber?" I ask excitedly, "I really love Markiplier and Jacksepticeye!" Jacy tells me with a huge smile on her face. By now we're in the air and are now cruising. "Same here! I love them!" I exclaim, glad finding someone who's also a huge fan.
    I see Mark walking up behind Jacy.
"Everything ok?" Mark asks, seeming to not notice Jacy fangirling. "Yeah I'm good." I reply, seeing Jacy turn to me with an awed expression, makes me smile, and I have no idea why. "Alrighty. I'll come back a little later. Cool?" Mark asks, quirking an eyebrow in question. I nod, "Yeah, cool with me." I respond. As Mark walks away Jacy has a giant grin in. "Sooo you're the sister." Jacy exclaims, excited all-of-a-sudden. I give a watery chuckle, "I guess so," I say jokingly.

We continued to talk until we had to leave the plane.

"Want to exchange numbers?" Jacy asks me, a couple minutes before we were allowed to leave. I nod, "Sure!" I tell her.


I thought over what Tyler and Ethan had told me about those "spells". I texted Amy that we had just gotten off the plane. When I pocket my phone I see Emeili writing in her notebook, and then showing Ethan and Tyler. I walk over and see that she's writing, Chinese?
"What 'cha writing?" I ask Emeili while I walk over to the trio. "Oh just this," she tells me while she shows me what she wrote.
"你好" "What does that mean?" I ask her, cocking my head to the side.
"The way you say it is, "ni hao" and it means 'hello'." Emeili tells me while we walk over to baggage claim. "Oh," I say dumbly, realizing that practically everyone knows that's 'hello' in Chinese, but I bet a lot of people-just like me-who haven't seen it written.
    As we walk to the car I see Amy in the driver's seat, when she sees in she gets out and runs over to help, even though I tell her she doesn't need to.
    In the car, I'm in shotgun, while Tyler, Ethan, and Emeili are in the back. "So, it's nice to finally see you, new sister." Amy says, lightly with a large smile. "It's an honor to meet you too, Peebles." Emeili replies, with a smirk that says, 'I know more about you that you realize'. "So you're a Twitter user?" Tyler asks, with a questioning expression. "Only for gaming news. Like the Nintendo Switch." Emeili says, while checking her phone. "Have Instagram?" Ethan asks, intrigued. "Yes, it's for bands, friends, NatGeo, and Discovery." Emeili explains, while she's looking out the window. Ok, she's a nerd. What else? "You read Time?" I ask, I only read certain articles from the internet. "Only certain editions. Like back in last September they had one on gender evolution... Or was that NatGeo?" Emeili corrects. By now we're pulling into our driveway.
    When we're all settled in we order pizza since I'm too lazy/tired to do much else. Amy, Katherine, Ethan, and Emeili are already in the kitchen when I walk in. "So what are your hobbies?" Katherine asks Emeili politely. "I play clarinet, I love to read, I suppose I could say that traveling is a huge one. Also, does being internet trash count too?" Emeili says, with a smile. "Internet trash?" Katherine repeats a bit confused, "My definition of Internet trash is spending way too much time on the internet to be healthy. But I mean that's my definition, there's probably a lot of different definitions." Emeili explains. "So how good are you on clarinet?" Amy asks, resting her head on her hands. "I guess I'm ok," Emeili says earnestly. "No, no you're better than 'ok' you played a hundred-twenty beat song." I but in and correct her. "Yeah I guess so, but I missed every high 'B' and-" I interrupted her, "That's fine. Messing up is normal." I tell her, while pulling a chair next to her. "Not when you have OCD and mild anxiety." Emeili mumbles, so quietly I almost don't catch it. "Practice makes perfect." Ethan says with a smile. "And that's what sucks," Emeili responds, I cock my head Why? "Lemme explain," she says, "it sucks because nobody's perfect. There will always be something in your way." Emeili begins, I look over at Amy and she jerks her head to the living room, obviously wanting to talk to me.
When we're in the living room Amy gives me a worried look. "Is she ok?" Obviously referring to Emeili. "Yeah. She's just pessimistic." I tell her, I can't help but notice the worry laced in her eyes. "Is she or has she been depressed?" Amy asks, concern dripping in her voice. "I... don't know." I reply, now worrying about Emeili's wellness. Amy nods and gives me an understanding voice.
When we walk back the group is silent... and staring at Emeili. "What's wrong?" I ask, worried thoughts running ramped in my head.
"Tell Mark." Tyler says sternly, too sternly. I hear mumbling coming from Emeili. "Ok. We're all gonna die. So why do anything. If you already know your outcome." Emeili says with such finality that I feel goosebumps run up my arms. "Because," I start, "you want to leave a mark. Leave an impression." I tell her, Tyler's gaze softening while he looks at me. "I don't," she rebuttals, " 'I'm a grenade' " Emeili says, I know it's from the book The Fault in our Stars. "I may not have cancer, but what is explosive is my mouth and what comes out of it." Emeili says while cracking her knuckles. I see Katherine lean away from Emeili. "No you're not," I tell her gently. "How?" Emeili asks, not looking at me, instead out the kitchen window. "I don't know. It's a feeling." I reply. "Some people think I'm crazy for liking someone who'll I'll never meet," she says quietly, "I have the same question for you. How can you believe in people you may never meet?" Emeili wonders while her gaze shifts from the window to me. "Like I said earlier," I say, "it's a feeling." I repeat. "I remember from your eight-million video," she starts, "you wanted to get to know all eight-million on a person level. How you wanted to talk to everyone who needed to be comforted, saved even." Emeili says with a tone that demanded to be listed to. She's so young but she understands so much. "You know what?" Emeili gets up, "I'll just go," she says while walking to the guest room.

Completed 2/18/17

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