Chapter 1

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I have had a long day at work and I have the biggest migraine. It was time for me to go home and go to sleep. I pull up to my boyfriend and I's house seeing his car was in the driveway. I wonder why he is home so early, he didn't tell me that he didn't have to go into work today.

"Cody," I yelled throughout the house, "Are you home?"

I hear nothing, I suddenly get a bad feeling in my stomach. I walk closer to my bedroom and see the door cracked. I push the door open quietly and gasp so hard my migraine worsens. My boyfriend of three years, the man I gave my all to was cheating on me. Cheating on my with my best friend. I don't realize that I am sobbing, until I see them turned around.

"Baby it's not what it looks like," Cody says with remorse lacing his voice.

I feel my chest hurting from me breathing so hard. I couldn't seem to find the right words. My anger switches from sadness to anger. "It looks like you cheating on me with my whore of a best friend! How could you do this to me? I gave you everything, I was there through everything and you treat me like this?," I scream so hard my throat begins to hurt.

I begin to pack a bag of stuff I need until I can come back and get the rest. Haley then has the audacity to speak to me. "Layla were in love, it's something that just happened." It is a moment before I respond. I've calmed down but I was still bitter.

"How long have you guys been going behind my back and seeing each other?," my voice wavers. I am trying so hard not to cry.

"Only a year, we tried to tell but we didn't want to break you even more than you are," Cody says. I can only look at him with disbelief in my eyes.

"Layla, please say something. We're sorry please forgive us." Haley has alligator tears running down her face. I know she means I can hear it in her voice, but I don't care.

I couldn't say anything I just stood there feeling like an idiot. My best friend who I knew all my life, who was like a sister to me, was with my boyfriend I've been in love with for three years now. I finish packing and start to walk out the door.

"Layla stop, please don't do this we can work this out. I need you in my life, I love you," Cody pleads.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me with her," I scoff pointing at Haley.

I head to my car with Cody running after me in his boxers, but he is my least of my concern. I hopped in my car and locked the door. I begin to start my car but I jump when Cody bangs on my car door window.

"Layla please talk to me, don't leave me! I love you, it was a mistake she means nothing to me. Layla please!"

I couldn't even look him in his eyes, I just kept my head down. I start up he car and begin to pull out. I look back with one final glance, which was a mistake. I see Cody on his knees crying. My heart breaks more than it already has. My eyes may have been swollen from crying, but that doesn't stop me from crying again. I pull out of the driveway. The last words I hear Cody scream are come back, but I already made up my mind.

I couldn't concentrate on the road in front of me. My mid was everywhere. I had stopped crying but tears still stained my wet face. The only people I ever trusted and had just stabbed me in the back. I can't believe he would do this me after everything we've been through. I hate him, I hate him so much that it hurts. The love I had for him blinded me. I loved him with everything in me, and to know that he never loved me and was to sleeping with my best friend hurt worse than any known torture.I have to hate both of them if I don't if I will find away to forgive them. My phone started to ring I couldn't look at the caller ID because I have to stay focus on the road even though my mind is somewhere else. It rings four more times I finally answer to see who it is.

"Hello?," I say angrily

"Baby please come back home, we will figure something out. It doesn't have to be this way I love you, I always have loved you. It's just been a hard time for me love," Cody whines.

I don't say anything for a few seconds. "Cody, if you loved me you would have never cheated on me with her. You should have came to me so we can talk things out. Hard time or not cheating isn't the answer," I say calmly. Then the levee breaks. "But I just need to let you know, I hate you with everything in me! Things will never be the same. You think I would want to come home to you and go back acting happy as if nothing happened," I chuckle. "Your dead wrong. One last thing don't call don't come see me at work, because I hate y-".

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