2k17 Valentine's Day Special!

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Miyuki's POV

     "Oi, Sawamura! It's already passed 12, you should get ready for bed now." "Huh? Already?!" I chuckle to myself as I watch Sawamura panic and frantically tries to pick up all the baseballs he has thrown into the net. He drops a few and I walk over to him, picking up stray balls that he either dropped or left behind.
     "Ah, you don't have to do that Miyuki-senpai! I'm okay by myself!" He says. "Just shut up and let me help you, Bakamura." I say in a teasing (yet loving) manner. A few months has passed since I realized my love for Sawamura, but if I tried to confess to him he'll probably wouldn't understand. So I just keep it all inside, and it hurts every now and then.
     "Miyuki-senpai?" Sawamura calls out to me. "Hm?" I look up at him. Guess he noticed me spacing out. There was silence for a few seconds, until Sawamura opens his mouth to speak.  "Umm, can I ask you a question?" He adverts his eyes from mine, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Ask away." "Do you... get Valentine's Day gifts alot?" He asks. And at that moment, I try my hardest not to blush and instead I just start laughing.
     "O-oi! What's so funny?!" "Hahaha, gomen gomen." "I-I know it's sort of a funny thing to ask, but Valentine's day is already in a few days so, I was just wondering...!" I watch as he looks around all awkwardly, the red in his cheeks has spread all around his face to the ears and sweat begins to form on his forehead. "Hmm, I'll answer your question," His eyes widen a bit and light up. "In exchange for something else." It takes a few seconds for him to process what I had just said, and once he did he just cocks his head to the side (which I find really adorable) then he makes this face mixed with anger and curiosity.
     "What do you want in exchange?" "I want to know your crush." I grin. "C-crush?!" His face becomes even redder than before and he jumps up on his feet. "What? You want to know if I get gifts right? So I want to know if you have a crush, since I already know you don't get gifts." "Oi! That's mean you damn Tanuki!!" I laugh and study Sawamura's face for a little while. His golden eyes are shining bright as always, his expression and little pout really makes me want to kiss him.
     "Alright." He mumbles. "Huh? Could you repeat that?" I hold a hand to my ear, pretending like I didn't hear him. ".... I'll tell you my crush." So he does have one. "B-but..." "But...?" "Instead, can I show you my crush?" I cock an eyebrow up, confused on what he meant. "Show? You mean, like a picture?" "No..." He sits down right infront of me and leans in. I don't realize what's going on until I feel his lips press against mine.
     I feel my face heat up and my heart starting to race, but as a few seconds pass by I manage to calm myself down and kiss him back. I place a hand on the nape of his neck and pull him closer to me, he then grips my shirt on response. We both pull away from eachother after another few seconds has gone by, and we're both lightly panting. "Hey, Sawamura." "Y-yes?"

"Will you be my Valentine?"

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