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Luke was cool about the whole Bridget thing and when he told me he'd guessed what was going on, I was shocked. Not as shocked as when he told me Brittany was a set up though. Apparently they have drama class together and Luke roped her in last year to pretend to be interested in me. It started off as him trying to get me to be more outgoing and get up the courage to ask a girl out. Then when he figured out something was going on between Bridget and me, and I didn't confide in him about it, he ramped it up to make me confess everything. It didn't work. He said he was impressed with how long I held out for.

I was angry at him at first for playing with my emotions like that, but I know his heart was in the right place. We had a long talk about how I feel about Bridget and he put a few things in perspective for me. He made me realise that it was a little easier for me being out and proud, especially since I have such great support with him and Mum. Bridget may not have that and I really should have considered that before I came down so hard on her for lying to me and to everyone else. I was part of that lie too, sneaking around with Bridget behind everyone's back and not confiding in the people who cared about me the most.

I wasn't expecting Brittany to do anything on Friday at school, since Luke had called her to tell her I knew about the joke, but it turned out she couldn't cancel her final Valentine's surprise. As I stand in the middle of the hallway, a dancing gorilla in front of me singing 'You Are My Sunshine', I look over to where Brittany is standing with Luke. She mouths, "I'm so sorry" and I can't help but laugh. When the gorilla is done, he hands me a box of chocolates. He gets cheers and claps from everyone who watched and takes a bow before leaving. I spot Bridget in the crowd and she looks sad. She turns and walks away and I try to chase after her but the bell rings and I lose her in the chaos of everyone making their way to class. I really should talk to her, even if it's to tell her that the whole Brittany thing was a set up.

I catch up with Luke and Brittany at lunch, but haven't seen Bridget since this morning. The school is still buzzing about the gorilla-gram and random people keep wanting to high-five me and Brittany wherever we go.

"I'm so sorry," Brit says. "It was way too late to cancel him."

"It was fun," I admit. "No-one's ever done anything like that for me before."

"Really?" Brittany asks.

"I have," Luke says.

"When?" I ask, racking my brain trying to remember Luke doing anything remotely embarrassing like that.

"I wore a gorilla suit for your tenth birthday party. It was dress up, remember?"

I laugh. "Yeah but you didn't sing to me."

"No, but I did manage to eat ten chocolate crackles, four hot dogs and a couple of pieces of fairy bread without taking off the mask."

"Yeah but you did have to drink through a straw," I reply.

Brittany laughs. "That's impressive."

"I'll tell you what's impressive," I say. "Your acting."

Luke nods. "That's why Brit's an A student in drama." He claps her on the shoulder. "We should see if Hanson will give you extra credit."

Brittany waves him off. "It was fun, but I'm sorry I duped you, Quinn."

I shrug. "It's okay. It was all Luke's fault anyway."

"That's what you get for keeping your best mate out of the loop," Luke says, pointing his half-eaten sandwich at me.

"Just out of curiosity though, Brit, what would you have done if I'd really fallen for you?"

Brittany raises an eyebrow. "Maybe I wouldn't have been acting."

I narrow my eyes. "Are you flirting with me?"

Brit laughs. "You never can tell when the acting ends." She winks and bites into her apple.

"Hey," Luke says. "Have you had a chance to talk to Bridget yet?"

I shake my head. "We don't have any classes together today, and I haven't been able to track her down."

"Oh," Brittany says, swallowing a mouthful of food. "She went home after geography this morning. Said she wasn't feeling well."

"Did she tell you that?"

"No, but I heard her tell Mr Johnson after class she was going to the office to call her brother to pick her up."

"She obviously doesn't want to see me," I say.

"I could talk to her," Brittany offers. "Explain that I was just acting."

"It's okay," I reply.

"Hey, cheer up," Luke says. "It's not the end of the world. You'll run into her again sometime, right?"

"I guess." I pick at the rest of my lunch. I'm kind of glad I won't run into her today. I haven't really worked out what I'll say to her.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Luke says. "Brit's still coming to the dance with us tomorrow night, is that okay?"

I smile. "Of course." I'm not sure I'll be thebest of company so I'm happy for Luke togo with Brit, if that's what he wants.

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