My Life As A Dragon (skyrim fanfic)

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My life began long ago when Alduin struck fear into the hearts of the men and women of skyrim he would have never struck fear into them if he never created the rest of the dovahs. We were his tools of destruction he used us to crush their hope to stop them from stand up for themselfs to prove we were superior and they should bow to us. But one day came were a band of them traped one of us that one was none other than me. They trapped me in a castle which had a big open area in back the perfect size to house a dovah the trap was painful and uncomfortable on me there were three of them, something about them made me more to talk to them when they started questioning me.


"Alright dragon your gonna tell us what we want to now." said the female with a shield with a one handed sword "Its pointless they dont speak our language." said the one with the battleaxe "Slience you two need to focus, before it talks we must prove we are worthy to talk to." said the one with the greatsword then they stepped back and did something i never would have expected they all used the unrealenting thu'um and shook me. "You have prove worthy to speak with, speak and i shall answer but first you give me my freedom back take this wreahed thing off me." i said "Raise the trap up" said the one with the battleaxe "But sir its a dragon they cant be trusted" said the guard "Just do it damn it" said the female. The trap slowly rasied up and i was free once again "We've granted you your freedon now answer your questions" said the one with the greatsword "Who are you?" said the female "Im toorvahlok in your tounge im inferon gurdian, who are you?" i asked "Im Gormalith Golden-Hilt, thats my brother Hakon One-Eye, and this is our friend Felldir the old we are dragonborn we are the leaders of the rebellion agenst Alduin we need your help" said Gormalith "You truely beleave that i would betray my own brothers and my father and my uncle, then your cause is lost id never betray them never..." i said "Toorvahlok just lisen to us we all fought Alduin and sent him fleeing and wounded we proved he is weak and not fit to rule would you protect someone who cant hold there own agenst three nords?" said Hakon. Once he said that i stop and turned my head back to them if he hadnt said that i would have flown off but i didnt "YOU WHAT?!" I yelled with anger and rage "you heard him we sent him running with his tale between his legs" said Gormalith, after she said that my anger toke over and i attacked her blowuing flames at her she used her sheild and blocked it. Then Hakon used his thu'um to seperate us "BOTH OF YOU STOP THIS AT ONCE TOOKVAHLOK CALM YOURSELF GORMALITH BACK OFF!" Hakon said so i calm myself she backs of "please we need your help if you could convinse just a few of your brothers ti help us we would be greatful" said Felldir "what assurance do i have you wont betray us and kill us once youve done away with our father" i said "you have my word no harm will come to you or your bothers i swear this" said Hakon "then i shall return in two days with an dovah willing to help" i said they nodded i spread my wing and toke flight. Hours have passed sence i was captured i was flying for the past hour roaring at the top of my lung i flew all over skyrim roaring only three of brother answerd my call and followed me we flew to the throat of the world and found my uncle paarthurnax he is Alduins brother he is one of the oldest dovah second to Alduin "Uncle i need your help" i said "must be important if you came here yourself, what is it you need help with?" said paarthurnax "you must have heard that my father faced three nord warriors and got beaten by them and you and i both now only another dovah or a dovahkiin can face one of us and win us three have notice he has been weakend and is no longer fit to lead us we need your help thow if we are to even come close to ending his rule please uncle we need your help" i said. He juds stood there for a few minute and said nothing then he looks at me amd says...

Oh my goodness what is his answer gonna be is he gonna help them kill his own brother or is he gonna say no and attack them if i get at least 5 or more votes ill make the next part :) dont forget to comment

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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