😍The first day I saw him😍

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So first off my name is emma and I am in band, I play the flute, so that day I was walking to the practice feild because at this time we were in marching season and we practice every day after school, so while we were walking I saw him and at first I thought he was a guy I knew so I ran away, So as practice goes on I see him look at me on and off and im wondering in my head whats he looking at so I just over looked it, So after practice I went up to DD (that was his nickname I called him) and I asked him who he was and he said his name was "A". So I said ok and I went home and for the rest of that week he came to the practices and he still kept staring at me. But I was too afraid to go up to him so I just kept overlooking it..so after a while, he went to my boyfriend's house one day and I call "K"..."K" was my boyfriend. And then "K" introduce me to "A" and after that "A" and I began to talk... So after a long time period like four or five months i might have started falling for him but the thing was is that i had a boyfriend.. But the only reason I was talking to "A" instead of "K" is because he was always working, so I got bored and I never thought I would fall for "A".well I thought wrong, but the thing was is that I have plenty of other reasons why I was going to break up with "K", but this was a new reason cause I also found out that "A" liked me too, so as the days went on I started to like him more and more and it turned out is that "A" and I were just alike I mean we had the same friends, same personalities, I mean if you had never met us before and someone introduced you to us it would look like we had been friends since birth I mean that how alike we are....

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